to beg meaning in marathi

Word: to beg

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
yaachane ( याचणे )
याचना करणे
Identical words :
to begin - praveshane ( प्रवेशणे )
to beg pitifully - kaakulane ( काकुळणे )
to beg for - bhaakane ( भाकणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to believe into belittle oneselfto bellowto bend downto begto behaveto bend under a loadto bendto benefit fromto besmearto bewitchto bid good-byeto bind tightlyto biteto bindto blameto blockto bloomto blossomto blow furiouslyto blow hardto blow noisilyto bluffto boil overto bounce upto boundto blowto boilto bounceto bow down respectfully folding ones hands