to get bruised meaning in marathi

Word: to get bruised

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
jhaanjarane ( झांजरणे )
phutane ( फुटणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to get confused nonplussedto get burntto get confusedto get drenchedto get dressed upto get excitedto get exhausted tiredto get exhaustedto get healed a woundto get intoto get involved entangledto get involved stuckto get oneself or someone else into troubleto get involvedto get readyto get scorchedto get soiledto get someone across a body of waterto get the benefit ofto get throughto get tiredto get wetto gird ones loinsto give a bath toto give a callto give a signalto getto give an account ofto give an impressionto give away profusely liberally