to get excited meaning in marathi

Word: to get excited

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kshobhane ( क्षोभणे )
As transitive verb :
kurupane ( कुरुपणे )
khavalane ( खवळणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to get exhausted tiredto get exhaustedto get healed a woundto get intoto get involved entangledto get involved stuckto get involvedto get oneself or someone else into troubleto get readyto get scorchedto get soiledto get someone across a body of waterto get the benefit ofto get throughto get tiredto get wetto getto gird ones loinsto give a bath toto give a callto give a signalto give an account ofto give an impressionto give away profusely liberallyto give awayto give birth to a childto give birth toto give birthto give milkto give rise to