to open meaning in marathi

Word: to open

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
tãvakaarane ( टंवकारणे )
phulane ( फुलणे )
Identical words :
to open out - tadhane ( तढणे )
to open wide - nidaarane ( निडारणे )
to open up - paaluvane ( पालुवणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to operateto opposeto ordainto originateto overaweto overcookto overflowto overturnto ownto pacifyto pack neatlyto pack tightlyto paintto panicto pass on the left i e with ones right side towardto pass timeto pat ones arms in a challenging mannerto patterto passto patto peckto peelto perform a sacrificeto perform demoniacal austeritiesto perform last rites forto perform rigorouslyto perishto persuade oneselfto pervade but koto perform