to pat ones arms in a challenging manner meaning in marathi

Word: to pat ones arms in a challenging manner

Meanings in marathi :

baahe aaphalane ( बाहे आफळणे )
बाह्या थोपटणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to passto patto peckto peelto perform a sacrificeto perform demoniacal austeritiesto perform last rites forto perform rigorouslyto perishto persuade oneselfto pervade but koto performto pervadeto pick atto pick upto pickto pierce the nose with a ropeto pine and waste awayto pine forto place under a spellto pierceto placeto planto plantto plasterto plateto play a musical instrumentto play a roleto pleaseto plough crosswise after the first ploughing