to rub meaning in marathi

Word: to rub

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
vorapane ( वोरपणे )
ghaasane ( घासणे )
kharavadane ( खरवडणे )
Identical words :
to rub and polish - ghotaalaneghōtaalane ( घोटाळणे-घोंटाळणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to ruminateto run awayto run helter-skelterto run off in all directionsto rubto run outto runto rush forthto rush outto rushto saddleto sally forthto saluteto sanctify by reciting a mantrato satietyto satisfyto sayto scaldto scatterto scorchto scrape awayto scrape offto scratch off or wipe awayto scream angrilyto scrub hardto sculptto scratchto sealto search forto search through