to send away or to show refusal by a gesture of the hand meaning in marathi

Word: to send away or to show refusal by a gesture of the hand

Meanings in marathi :

haathabolaavan ( हाथबोळावन )
हाताने निरोप देणे किंवा नकार दाखवणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to send backto send forto send on a quick errandto send awayto separate outto separateto serve foodto serve more than enough foodto serveto set a gem etcto set an arrow on a bowstringto set asideto set downto set into set looseto set the sun etcto set the sunto set up a tantric diagramto set upto set upon violentlyto settle downto settleto sewto shake looseto shapeto shareto setto shaketo sharpento shave