to speak meaning in marathi

Word: to speak

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
bolane ( बोलणे )
शब्दोच्चार करणे
Identical words :
to speak angrily - tam tam karane ( तम तम करणे )
to speak critically - nikhandane ( निखंदणे )
to speak about - bhaakhane ( भाखणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to spend to pass timeto spinto spit outto spendto spitto splash upto split with a cracking soundto splitto sportto sprainto spread out freelyto sprinkle with holy waterto sprinkleto sprout waywardlyto spread outto spreadto sproutto sputterto squeezeto stampto stand on endto stare fixedlyto start offto stay awayto standto stareto stayto stealto step with a thumpto step