to tell meaning in marathi

Word: to tell

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
saangane ( सांगणे )
As transitive verb :
saanghane ( सांघणे )
Identical words :
to tell about - bhaakhane ( भाखणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to testto the eastto the extent thatto the leftto the other sideto the present timeto the right sideto the sideto thickento the presentto thin outto think aboutto think erroneouslyto think outto think overto thinkto this sideto that sideto thrash aroundto threadto threatento thrashto threshto throw away pebbles over which mantras have been spoken as a remedy against a diseaseto throw awayto throw light onto throw oneself downto throw or hurl awayto thrustto thunderto tickle