to ward off evil meaning in marathi

Word: to ward off evil

Meanings in marathi :

idapida ghene ( इडापिडा घेणे )
अमंगळ घटना किंवा आरिष्ट दूर करणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to walkto warmto wash cleanto wash in running waterto wash ones hands and mouth after eating a mealto wash ones hands ofto washto waste awayto watch closelyto water a treeto wave a small oil lamp in a circle in front of someoneto watchto waterto wave burning incense at or into weakento wear as a wreath on ones headto wear outto wearto weaveto weed outto weepto weighto weedto wetto whackto whereto whirlto whisperto wield a weaponto wield