twenty-five meaning in marathi

Word: twenty-five

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
panchavis ( पंचवीस )
वीस अधिक पाच
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
twenty-four hourstwenty-fourtwenty-seventwice-born man in the third stage of his religious lifetwilighttwin brother or sistertwinstwigtwin brothertwintwirltwirlingtwisttwisted bit of wheat doughtwisted bits of doughtwistedtwisting a part of the bodytwisting and stretching the bodytwisting ones necktwisting stretching ones bodytwistingtwo and a halftwo hundred and fiftytwo hundredtwo personstwo ropes tied to the back legs of a horse to fetter ittwo-facedtwotwofoldtype of amorous vocal music