type of dance meaning in marathi

Word: type of dance

Meanings in marathi :

maalhaadi ( माल्हाडी )
हातातील काकणे वाजवीत करण्याचे एक नृत्य
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
type of deep-fried twist of doughtype of deertype of demigodtype of diarrhoeatype of diseasetype of drumtype of earringtype of elephanttype of emeraldtype of flowertype of flowering creepertype of flowering planttype of food consisting of a mixture of neem leaves tamarind peanuts etctype of food made of chickpea flourtype of food made of javār millet flourtype of food made of wheat flourtype of food prepared by tapping dough flattype of food shaped like a fisttype of fragrant flowertype of fragrant planttype of foodtype of fragrant shrubtype of fragrant treetype of fried caketype of fruit saladtype of fruit that is supposed to cure leprosytype of gadyāṇaka a gold cointype of gametype of gemtype of glance