vocative particle meaning in marathi

Word: vocative particle

Meanings in marathi :

ho ( हो )
अहो (संबोधक)
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
vocative used in addressing a malevoice from the skyvoid of yādavasvolley of arrowsvomited foodvomiting blood due to a snake bitevocativevoid ofvoidvomitvomitingvow made for the fulfilment of a wishvow to eat food every other dayvomitedvow to eat the same type of food all the timevow to fast for a monthvow to fast for one monthvow to fight a battlevow to perform a difficult featvowvowelvulture that devours corpses on a battlefieldvulturevīṇā made of bamboovīṇā playerwwagerwailwaistband used to carry a weaponwaistband