Nail meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nail
As noun : अंगुलिसंभुत Ex:  I cut my nails with a pair of nail clippers.
अंगुलीसंभूत Ex:  she fought tooth and nail आलमन Ex:  They fought against the robber tooth and nail . आसानी से सफलता पा लेना Ex:  The nail went through all three boards . उरेहनापु Ex:  I'll nail back the shutters . करकंटक Ex:  I'll nail down these f loorboards . करवाल Ex:  I'll nail up this picture for you . उ:   भगवान चित्रगुप्त जी के हाथों में कर्म की किताब, कलम, दवात और करवाल है। करवाल Ex:  I'll nail up this picture for you . उ:   भगवान चित्रगुप्त जी के हाथों में कर्म की किताब, कलम, दवात और करवाल है। करशूक Ex:  Michael Scott declares "If we don't nail this करशूक Ex:  Michael Scott declares "If we don't nail this कामाकुंश Ex:  Action to nail कामाकुंश Ex:  Action to nail किल ठोंकना Ex:  Arts Shoot down the tip of a nail on the other side of the object pierces it and flatten to fix किल Ex:  Arts Small iron rod that is applied to a tip, a nail to push more surely किला जड़ना Ex:  By analogy, Nail File, Lime used to regulate and polishing the edge of the nail किला ठोंकना Ex:  By extension, it is said to a nail with a big head with shoes on ferre कील Ex:  Fabrique or nail shops उ:   कील नहर उत्तरी सागर को बाल्टिक सागर से जोड़ती है। कुलिज Ex:  Fold a nail कॉटा Ex:  Garnish with a nail object to adorn क्लिप Ex:  He also said an ornamented head nail employed mainly in furniture खिल्ली Ex:  Hitting false, thought of a hammer blow that does not hit the nail right on गुलचानापु Ex:  Hook nail, nail with a head hook, instead of being flat or round घेवरनापु Ex:  I have riveted his nail चंगुल Ex:  If he comes to me say this, I riverai his nail उ:   तरह-तरह के भेस ग्रहण करते हुए, वह उसे विजय के चंगुल से मुक्त करता है। चुकटा Ex:  In terms of Ophthalmology, it means a film that begins in the form of nail or increases towards the inner corner of the eye and extending gradually onto the apple नख Ex:  It is took a nail and his sleeve was all torn उ:   त्वचा में नख शय्या भी होती है। नहीँ Ex:  It said, in terms of Natural History, the animals that have a nail each finger उ:   वह कई निर्माता से मिलने लगे लेकिन कुछ फायदा नहीँ हुआ। नहीँ Ex:  It said, in terms of Natural History, the animals that have a nail each finger उ:   वह कई निर्माता से मिलने लगे लेकिन कुछ फायदा नहीँ हुआ। नहुर Ex:  Mobile Arts Assembly of two pieces of metal, wood or other material, isolated one in the other and joined together by a spindle, by a nail passing through the नाखून Ex:  nail उ:   थोड़े से दबाब से यह नाखून से खुरचे जा सकते हैं। नाखूनअ Ex:  nail नेल Ex:  Pulling a nail उ:   कभी कभी नेल पालिश से नाखून शीघ्र टूट जाते हैं या खुरदरे हो जाते हैं। पंजा Ex:  Pulling a nail with a wall पकड़ना Ex:  Secure it against the wall with a nail उ:   कृषि तथा मछली पकड़ना यहाँ का मुख्य उद्यम है। प्रसंजन Ex:  See Arts nail hole बंद करना Ex:  Sort of Arts nail whose tip is intended to be slaughtered and flattened, so as to secure a room to another बिरंजी Ex:  Sort of small head iron nail मारना Ex:  The iron horse that hangs by a nail मीँजना Ex:  The nail fell मुद्रण Ex:  The nail has pushed उ:   ऐसा सिर्फ मुद्रण को सुगम बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। मुसम्मर Ex:  The nail is found to the root मूँदना Ex:  The nail is pierced, punctured मोसना Ex:  This board wobbles, put a nail in it to ensure यमन Ex:  This does not take into iron nail or लगाना Ex:  This favorite has just ' being supplanted by such: a nail drives out another उ:   अतः कर केवल भूमि पर लगाना चाहिए व्यापारी एवं कारीगरों पर नहीं। वर्कुट Ex:  This table is held by a nail वैढ़ना Ex:  vulgarly is called nail व्याघ्रतला Ex:  We must hunt this nail into the wall with hammers व्याघ्रपुष्प Ex:  You hit the nail on the head, over evil व्यालकरज Ex:  , A nail drives out other व्यालखड़ग Ex:  , be the nail in military terms, be punished in the room to व्यालनख Ex:  , Dreaming somebody, its nail Him to answer sharply, so he has nothing to say व्यालप्रहरण Ex:  , It is not worth a nail It is worth nothing व्यालबल Ex:  , One nail drives out another, a new passion, a new taste, new treatments forget to make ' व्यालायुध Ex:  , Put the nail falling just व्य़ालपाणिज Ex:  , River somebody's nail Him respond strongly, sharply, so he has nothing to say संधिनाल Ex:  Arts flat nail species, which passes through the opening made after a pin, a bolt, etc सन्निवेश Ex:  Ficher, bump, push, bring a nail समालंभ Ex:  It is especially used as a plural noun name for a family of mammals that have no cutting teeth, the fingers of which are joined to the nail and which are remarkable for their slow movements सरभ Ex:  It once meant Put a gun out of use in driving a nail in his light हस्तपुच्छ जमाना
As verb : कील जडना Ex:  cloves flowers button that is roughly the figure of a small nail head and is used as a spice कॉटां Ex:  Hammer a nail in the wall गिरह Ex:  Hitting tooth and nail जौ Ex:  It came to him a nail उ:   गेहूँ, जौ तथा चुकंदर यहाँ की मुख्य फसलें हैं। ठाेंकना Ex:  It does not lack a nail that house, it n 'lacks nothing मेख Ex:  The root of the nail
Other : काँटा Ex:  A nail abscess resulting उ:   कुछ भाग कभी कभी काँटा बन जाते हैं। कील जड़ना Ex:  Do not nail this fitting, you'd break out the wood; it is better to screw कील लगाना Ex:  Drill nail holes of a horseshoe कोका Ex:  Hang something on a nail उ:   दो वर्ष बाद खानेआज़म कोका के साथ दक्षिण के प्रबंध के लिए भेजा गया। चोबा Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art designates a Wound caused by a nail in the living tissue of the foot of a horse जकड़ना Ex:  In this man, ambition succeeded love: a nail drives out another
Nail ki paribhasha : kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana chidiyon ya pashuon ka tedha pnja jisase ve koi pastu pakadte ya shikaar maarate hain haath ya pair ki paaanchon uangaliyon ka samooha, saadhaaranataः hatheli ke saahit haath ki aur talave ke agale bhaag ke saahit pair ki paaanchon uangaliyaaan ek prakaar ka bata hua mahin reshami taaga jisase guddi udate aur kapad site hain ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana akadne aadi ke kaaran angon ka hilane dunlane ke yogy na rah jaana uangaliyon ke chhor par chipate kinaare va nok ki tarah nikali hui kadi vastu khugi ya devakavaas jo aasaam ki gaaro pahaadiyon men hoti hai pakadne ka kaam karaana
Nail synonyms
attach tack hit whack pin pound join secure beat bind sock drive spike strike hold hammer catch hook nab seize apprehend pinch get detain bag take collar
Nail antonyms
detach loosen release liberate separate unfasten give up lose let go untie halt stop unnail misunderstand offer free receive fail
Usage of Nail in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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