Narcotic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Narcotic
As noun : नशीली दवाओं का Ex:  Extract from white poppy capsules, which has narcotic
निद्रा जनक Ex:  It is, by extension, of an intoxicating narcotic Preparation and hemp which is the basis निद्रौषध Ex:  Remedy narcotic नींद लाने वाली दवा Ex:  Remedy narcotic पिनक लाने वाला Ex:  Substantivement, a narcotic मादकद्रव्य सेंवेदनमन्दक स्वापक
As adjective : नींद लाने वाली Ex:  Work narcotic
Other : उपविष Ex:  A plant of the Solanaceae family, endowed with narcotic नशीली Ex:  Gender Botanical family Solanaceae plants of one species is poisonous and narcotic उ:   क्योंकि उसे नशीली दवाइयों के बारे में पता चल चुका रहता है।
Narcotic synonyms
calming anesthetic sedative opiate hypnotic soporific analgesic somnolent somnifacient somnific deadening numbing somnorific soporiferous stupefacient stupefactive stupefying opium painkiller dope tranquilizer heroin merchandise junk fix stuff anodyne downer hard drug lenitive laudanum hard stuff nepenthe
Narcotic antonyms
exciting stimulating
Usage of Narcotic in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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