Nascent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nascent
As noun : उदीयमान Ex:  It became the first program released by the nascent GNU project. उ:   लिच्छवि अपनी शक्ति और प्रतिष्ठा से मगध के उदीयमान राज्य के शूल बने।
As adjective :
अपरिपक्व Ex:  the nascent chicks उ:   दस प्रतिशत महिलाओं में यह स्थिति है और अपरिपक्व रहती है। आरम्भ होता हुआ Ex:  Its democratic institutions remain nascent and fragile. जायमान Ex:  The nascent Polisario Front नवागत Ex:  Valparaíso became the main harbour for the nascent Chilean navy पैदा होने वाला Ex:  The growing polypeptide is often termed the nascent chain. बढ़ने वाला Ex:  nascent Beard, who starts pushing शुरूआती स्तर पर Ex:  nascent Grandeur होनहार Ex:  nascent Passion
Other : उठने वाला Ex:  The industrial sector is in a nascent stage होने वाला Ex:  Oxygen nascent
Nascent ki paribhasha : jisaka sngathana, srajana, aavishkaar ya aavirbhaav bahut haal men hua ho vah baat jisaka hona daivi vidhaan men nishchit ho
Nascent synonyms
promising growing fledgling maturing opening blossoming young potential beginning embryonic fresh burgeoning sprouting pullulating germinal germinating vegetating bursting forth pubescent shooting up amorphous elementary formless immature imperfect preliminary rudimentary shapeless unfinished unformed unshaped just begun basic fundamental initiative introductory originating start commencing baby babyish callow childish childlike early emergent green juvenile kid naive newborn puerile tender unripe weak youthful dawning developing infantine unfledged original antecedent leading inaugural pioneer virgin first earliest foremost headmost undeveloped leadoff
Nascent antonyms
dying shrinking withering developed grown mature adult grown-up following last subordinate unimportant closing final
Usage of Nascent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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