Nationality meaning in hindi
As noun : जातीय क्षण वा स्वभाव Ex: 156,833 residents in the comune are of foreign nationality
जातीयता Ex: Differences in nationality and race to not matter. उ: ध्यान दें कि आबादी का एक बड़ा प्रतिशत मिश्रित जातीयता का है। देशभक्ति Ex: Montenegrins , Roma , Croats , Macedonians , and Muslims by nationality . उ: देशभक्ति से मतलब समाज सेवा से ही है। राष्ट्रीयता Ex: The largest groups by nationality are citizens from Turkey उ: उनकी रचनाएँ राष्ट्रीयता की भावना से परिपूर्ण हैं। राष्ट्रीकता Ex: Unequal treatment on the basis of nationality is therefore possible
Other : जाति Ex: My nationality is Indian. उ: आदिवासियों में अफ्रीकी जाति के लोग हैं। राष्ट्रिकता Ex: Poles, and possibly every other European nationality came to make a new start.
Nationality ki paribhasha : hinduon men manushy samaaj ka vah vibhaag jo pahale pahal karmaanusaar kiya gaya thaa, par pichhe se svabhaavata: janmaanusaar ho gaya kisi raashtr ka naagarik hone ka bhaav
ExamplesNationality synonyms
origin society community country race allegiance nation body politic native land ethnic group citizenship political home Usage of Nationality in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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