Nauseating meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nauseating
As verb : घृणा पैदा करने वाला Ex:  Literature nauseating
घृणास्पद Ex:  Lyrics nauseating मिचली पैदा करने वाला Ex:  Smell, taste nauseating
Other : घिनौना Ex:  Botanical brown root of a pungent, nauseating taste of the Rubiaceae family, South America and one uses in medicine वमनकारी. वमनकारी
Nauseating synonyms
sickening disgusting revolting abhorrent detestable distasteful fulsome loathsome offensive repugnant repulsive
Nauseating antonyms
delightful pleasing pleasant nice
Usage of Nauseating in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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