Nave meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nave
As noun : गिरजाधर का मध्यभाग Ex:  The entrance facade and the nave are the original design
गिरजे के बीच का भाग Ex:  The nave is 24 metres in length and 16 metres in height. पहिये की नाभि Ex:  Cyprus, the nave of St पहिये की नाव Ex:  Gules equipped nave silver
Other : नाभि Ex:  Architecture narrow gallery, located mostly above large arches of the nave of a church उ:   इसे देवी सती की नाभि और हृदय के गिरने का स्थान कहा जाता है।
Nave ki paribhasha : jaraayuj jntuon ke pet ki bichobich vah chihn ya gaddha jahaaan garbhaavastha men jaraayunaal jud rahata hai
Nave synonyms
heart place hub kernel essence focus seat pivot midst axis interior core gist nucleus marrow mainstream inside pith quick root focal point middle of the road omphalos polestar centrality hotbed cynosure centrum navel centriole equidistance intermediacy radial point bull's-eye median
Nave antonyms
exterior outside boundary margin outskirts periphery rim surroundings exteriority border edge surface
Usage of Nave in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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