Nebulous meaning in hindi
As noun : अनिश्चित Ex: She has some nebulous plans for future. उ: समस्याओं के अधिकांश यहाँ अनिश्चित और अधूरी जानकारी है।
अप्रतीयमान Ex: By analogy, he said the nebulous circle surrounding the nucleus of some comets द्वंद्वभूत विचरित संकसुक संशयापन्न संशयोपेत संशायित ससंशय
As adjective : अमूझा Ex: Face nebulous forehead Face front on which is painted a concern, worry अस्पष्ट Ex: Horizon nebulous उ: अनेक विद्वानों का मत है कि वैदिक आर्य समाज में तीन अस्पष्ट वर्ग थे। गोमगा Ex: It also said the nebulous circle which sometimes surrounds the disk of the moon or the circle which on a fabric surrounds instead of a spot we just clean छायावेष्टित Ex: nebulous also means, figuratively, Who is unclear तारा मंडल सदृश धुमैली धुॅधला नीहारिकाभ नीहारिकावत् बादल सा म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ धुँधला
Other : तारा मंडल का Ex: writer nebulous
ExamplesNebulous synonyms
ambiguous murky shadowy amorphous hazy vague cloudy dark dim indefinite indeterminate indistinct misty shapeless uncertain unclear unformed imprecise Nebulous antonyms
obvious clear definite bright distinct certain sure apparent plain Usage of Nebulous in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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