Necessarily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Necessarily
As adverb : अनिवार्य रूप से Ex:  He does not have to necessarily go there.
अवश्य करके Ex:  such expenses are necessarily incurred आवश्यक रीति से Ex:  Rituals are not necessarily regimented or arbitrary practices आवश्यक रूप से Ex:  Although they are not necessarily targeted at children
Other : अवश्य Ex:  it is necessarily so उ:   ये सब अवश्य नवें खंड से विकसित होते है। अवश्यमेव Ex:  These groups are not necessarily comprehensive or monophyletic जरूर Ex:  This permits larger but not necessarily longer उ:   इसलिए यहां आने पर इसे जरूर चखना चाहिए। जरूरी Ex:  The US was not necessarily fighting Soviet influence उ:   यह करने के लिये माँसपेशियों का समन्वय जरूरी है।
Necessarily ki paribhasha : dava ki bukani jo jakhm ya aaankh men chhodi jaay 1708 kaam na chale
Necessarily synonyms
naturally unquestionably undoubtedly accordingly consequently fundamentally indubitably of course perforce positively willy-nilly automatically no doubt as a matter of course axiomatically by definition by its own nature cardinally come what may compulsorily exigently from within incontrovertibly ineluctably inescapably inexorably irresistibly of necessity pressingly significantly unpreventably vitally without fail beyond one's control
Necessarily antonyms
doubtfully questionably unnecessarily
Usage of Necessarily in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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