Needle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Needle
As noun : अंजन शलाका Ex:  to find the needle in the eye.
अंतरंस Ex:  move the needle further inwards! अमररत्न Ex:  the needle on the meter was oscillating अमलमणि Ex:  the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness अमलरत्न Ex:  Dont needle that boy. अस्फटिक Ex:  Would you please thread the needle for me. इंद्रकील Ex:  She used a very fine needle for the embroidery. इश्तियाल Ex:  Please don't needle me about Jane . उदगारना Ex:  He pushed the needle through just like a tailor . उपजाप Ex:  She stuck in the needle . कड़ी Ex:  Also another one of her great accomplishments is the Hatshepsut needle . उ:   कड़ी पूछताछ के बाद सच्चाई सामने आती है। कमुंजा Ex:  American Sweetgum and even the occasional needle palm and sabal minor. कमुजा Ex:  Laurie stabs Myers in the neck with a knitting needle काचमणि Ex:  Action patching, mending to needle कुकुदमत Ex:  Action poking in a fabric with a threaded needle or result of this action खबरदिहंदा Ex:  BOOK says absolutely Objects that women working at the needle खबरसाँ Ex:  By extension, A clock désheurée, that sounds one hour other than the needle mark गणपीठक Ex:  cataract needle चट्टान Ex:  Certain extended wire, cut the length it takes to work with the needle उ:   बेसाल्ट एक ज्वालामुखी चट्टान होती है। चूड़, चूड़क Ex:  Drill a hole with a needle चोटी Ex:  épointer a knife, scissors, a needle उ:   सबसे ऊँची चोटी माउंट आपो है। चौँरी Ex:  Fill a canvas, a painting, a drawing, Making the needle points to cover this canvas, this canvas, to run this drawing ज्ञार्पायता Ex:  Geography block or needle Ice from a glacier डागल Ex:  Gros point tapestry where the needle point Sort son takes two of the canvas; unlike the Petit point one where she takes a डागुल Ex:  He told us the whole story thread needle द्विजिह्व Ex:  It also says a needle case धौतशिला Ex:  It is said that hardly Repairs to the needle or do small-scale objects नगमूर्धा Ex:  It is sometimes required to magnetize a new needle distraught नुकीला चट्टान Ex:  It specifically means, in terms of Arts, Resume, address, using a needle or a special hook, meshes that have slipped into the machine knitting नुकीला यंत्र Ex:  Kind Antique punch or large needle with the tip of which the former wrote on tablets covered with wax पत्ति Ex:  Kind of Couture seam which is holding two fabrics to be joined, applied one on the other edge to edge, and crossing both to each needle item पर्वति Ex:  Lane change in terms of Railway, refers to a device that is used to connect two paths using a needle पारटीट, पारटीनि Ex:  Large flattened needle for introducing yaw in metal eyelets, behind the scenes, etc पारारुक Ex:  Magnetic needle पिरोना Ex:  Map, navy needle प्रपतन Ex:  Méridien a magnetic place, Plane passing through the vertical of the place and the needle प्रासादश्रृंग Ex:  needle case बारीक़ मणि Ex:  patching, mending, darning needle भड़काना Ex:  Physical property which the magnet or a magnetic needle to head in each place to some fixed point on the horizon मौलि Ex:  Point needle रागदा Ex:  Putting two or more objects with a threaded through a needle or similar instrument लबान Ex:  Railways employee which moves the needle to the passage of trains वक्षण Ex:  sail needle ववधार्मिका Ex:  seton needle ; etc विचारश्रृंखला Ex:  Sort dial in the center of which is fixed a needle that rotates freely on its pivot and whose magnetized tip always points to the North विमलमणि Ex:  Surgery Operation consisting of sinking into a body part a metal needle व्यपदेशी Ex:  tapestry needle शंसी Ex:  The eye of this needle is too large, too small शालिपिष्ट Ex:  The eye, the eye of a needle शिखापाश Ex:  The head of a needle शिवप्रिय Ex:  The magnetic needle always look north शैल Ex:  The magnetic needle always turns toward the north उ:   ये एक रूपान्तरित शैल है। शोर्ष Ex:  The magnetic needle is moving northward सन्नहन Ex:  The magnetic needle turns to the north सिक्ष्य Ex:  The needle holder सीना Ex:  The needle of the place St उ:   इस लिये इब्ने सीना को आधुनिक चिकित्सा का पिता भी कहा जाता है। सीलाई करना Ex:  The needle of the Sainte-Chapelle, for the Sainte-Chapelle Arrow सुई Ex:  The point of a needle उ:   इतिहास में प्रथम बार मानव को जलसंत्रास से बचाने के लिए सुई लगाई गई। सुसारवत् Ex:  Thread a needle सूआ Ex:  Thread a needle सूई लगाना Ex:  to such a height, the needle varies from so many degrees सूई Ex:  Wire ' gold, silver or brass, wound around an iron needle or wire cord or hose, which is used in the manufacture of embroidered fabrics gold or silver or the bass strings violin or cello उ:   इससे उंगलियों में सूई नहीं चुभने पाती। सूचक Ex:  Working at the needle उ:   प्रायः इसे सूचक की तरह उपयोग किया जाता है। स्नु Ex:  , Hassle, reasoning on a point on the needle tips, Hassle, reason about trifles स्फटिक Ex:  , It is a needle in a haystack, said, speaking of a thing that it is sought, but which is very difficult to find, because of its smallness उ:   परिचय- स्फटिक मणि सफेद रंग की चमकदार होती है। स्फाटिकोपल Ex:  , Playing in a needle point स्फाटीक Ex:  The needle rubbed magnet स्वच्छमणि Ex:  The needle sewing
As verb : कुतुबनुमा की सुई या कांटा Ex:  Action Railways to move the needle a railway चिढाना Ex:  Column, monolithic needle दानेदार होना Ex:  It also said the needle of a sundial परेशान करना[होना Ex:  L needle Pic du Midi सुई (इन्जैक्शन की Ex:  The needle of this clock indicates three hours
Other : काँटा Ex:  , It is a needle in a haystack सलाई Ex:  The needle declines as सूचिका Ex:  Working at the needle उ:   गाथा शब्द से बने हुए शब्दों की सत्ता इसके बहुल प्रयोग की सूचिका है।
Needle ki paribhasha : praachin kaal men sena ka sabase chhota vibhaag jisamen ek ratha, ek haathi, tin ghode aur paaanch paidal hote the pahaadi bhoomi ke antargat patthar ka chipata bad tukad ek prakaar ka kid jo ooni kapadon ko kaat dalata hai bhed ki khabar denevaala jnjir ya sikadi ki ladi ka ek chhalla jamuna ke kinaare ki vah nikammi bhoomi jisamen kuchh upajata nahin chhed ke sahaare soot taage aadi men phansaana .... saat ki snkhya ka bodhak shabd sir ke madhy men ke thode se aur kuchh bade baal jo praayaः hindou nahin mudane ya kaatate ek prakaar ka saphed bahumooly patthar ya ratn
Needle synonyms
bedevil bait nag taunt pester goad irritate quiz hector irk tweak prod badger aggravate prick bother question rile sting nettle harass gnaw plague worry ruffle provoke spur ride examine
Needle antonyms
assuage delight dissuade appease mollify soothe aid assist praise make happy please discourage help
Usage of Needle in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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