Nefarious meaning in hindi
As noun : जघन्य
Other : महापातकी
Nefarious ki paribhasha : nyaay men hetu, vyabhichaar aadi doshon se yukt kartavyaakartavy ke vichaar se rahit kaami pith ka vah bhaag jo putthe ke paas hota hai
ExamplesNefarious synonyms
outrageous vile vicious odious heinous shameful horrible abominable atrocious base corrupt criminal degenerate depraved detestable dreadful evil execrable flagitious flagrant foul glaring gross infamous infernal iniquitous miscreant monstrous opprobrious perverse putrid rank rotten treacherous villainous wicked Nefarious antonyms
delightful magnificent pleasing wonderful kind pleasant honorable virtuous worthy good gentle nice respectable Usage of Nefarious in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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