Neither here nor there meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Neither here nor there
As noun : महत्वहीन उ:   इनमें से अनेक गौण, साधारण, महत्वहीन और स्थानीय थे।
As adverb :
न इधर के रहे, न उधर के
Other : त्रि
Neither here nor there synonyms
beside the point extraneous immaterial impertinent inconsequential pointless trivial unconnected not connected with not germane not pertaining to off the point off the topic inapplicable nonessential unessential not at issue nothing to do with the case off the subject
Usage of Neither here nor there in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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