Net meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Net
As noun : अंजारना Ex:  What is your net income?
अंतिम Ex:  Tie the tennis net to the post. उ:   अंतिम पड़ाव कपिलधारा है। अंत्ययोनि Ex:  Fishermen use sinker to keep the net under water. अशेष Ex:  We caught a large number of fish up in the net . असल Ex:  We caught up many fish in the net . उ:   असल में यह एक प्रेम कहानी है । आंत Ex:  In 1993, the Bengali industry's net output was 57 films. उ:   पाचन प्रक्रिया का प्रमुख भाग छोटी आंत में संपन्न होता है। आकाशमूली Ex:  Commercially, film music accounts for 48% India's net music sales. आलमन Ex:  See also net laying ship. उंडुक Ex:  Iowa imposes taxes on net state income of individuals and estates and trusts. ऊबंधना Ex:  Migration within the country produced a net increase of 347,005 people. कमाना Ex:  The Laurel people developed seine net fishing उ:   लाभ कमाना व्यवसाय के विकास और विस्तार की दृष्टि से भी आवश्यक होता है। क़िमत Ex:  Brazil is a net exporter काव्यरीति Ex:  Mexico became a net exporter of wheat by 1963. Between 1965 and 1970 किमत Ex:  The situation is one of zero net force and no acceleration. उ:   इनकी किमत भी साधारण गाडियों की तुलना में आसमान को छुती है। कुटरचना Ex:  This results in a net zero force कुलबकाया Ex:  Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of कूटशासन Ex:  In 2005 the EU had an overall net gain from immigration of 1.8 million people कृहक Ex:  Newer zero energy buildings have reduced net annual energy consumption क्षपणी Ex:  Hasbro has attracted attention of Ukrainian net users. क्षिपणि Ex:  On the one hand, fishing with a net has nuances of gathering by honest effort. खर्चा इत्यादि काटने के बाद जो बाकी बचे Ex:  Players may not intentionally bat the puck into the net with their hands. घलाहल Ex:  Drift net fishing is killing dolphins जाल बनाना Ex:  The light is carrying some net momentum to the right. जाल में फंसाना Ex:  The net result is an exchange of electrons. जाल Ex:  Gretzky had become known for setting up behind the net उ:   ओक्तावियन क्लियोपेट्रा के रूप जाल में न फँसा। जाली का काम Ex:  While some nations were net exporters जाली बनाना Ex:  The net migration rate of the Federal District from 1995 to 2000 was negative. जाली Ex:  The higher percentage growth rate is largely from net immigration उ:   जाली या कपड़े की लकड़ी के आयताकार साँचे में खींचकर लगाया जाता है। जिहान Ex:  Its net migration rate is +0.38 per 1,000 डालना Ex:  This trend of net entry reversed over the next forty years due to emigration ढाकना Ex:  The net force on a particle is तरीक Ex:  Then the material can produce a net total magnetic field तसीलना Ex:  Antiferromagnets have a zero net magnetic moment दाम Ex:  This spider weaves a small net which it attaches to its front legs. उ:   यद्यपि इस तरह के ट्रैक्टर का दाम अधिक था। नंषना Ex:  To obtain a fold-out net of a polyhedron निर्धारित Ex:  This gives a plan for the net of the unfolded polyhedron. उ:   इसको निर्धारित करने का आधार वितत भिन्न है। निवल Ex:  One might even imagine building a model of this fold-out net उ:   प्राप्‍त निवल धन पर विनिर्दिष्‍ट दर पर कर लगाया जाता है। पकड़ना Ex:  While Reagan viewed the initiative as a safety net against nuclear war उ:   जैसे इसे पकड़ते समय निश्चित दूरी से ही इसे पकड़ना चाहिए। पदांत्य Ex:  Saudi Arabia earned about $116 billion in net oil export revenues पाना Ex:  Saudi net oil export revenues are forecast to increase in 2005 and 2006 उ:   जन्म से पहले बच्चे का विकास सही रूप से न हो पाना आदि। पार्यतिक Ex:  Although Victoria's net interstate migration has fluctuated पाशबंधन Ex:  Williams is also effective at the net प्रसयन Ex:  Canada is one of the few developed nations that are net exporters of energy. फंदा बनाना Ex:  A net फॅसाना Ex:  Border net, Tie a rope around the net to make it stronger बंधकरण Ex:  Clean flat, making the net by eating everything in it बगुर Ex:  Fishing net Species that are used for fishing in saltwater marshes बग्गुर Ex:  Fishing net Species that tends the mouths of salt ponds बडी कठिनाई Ex:  Fishing own net to make tuna and other large fish बाँदना ‡ Ex:  Having the net mind, clear design topics which one applies बाँधना Ex:  Hunting net Kind vertically that tends to take some birds बावरि Ex:  I sold you this healthy horse and net बिड़वना Ex:  I tell you everything franc, while net ब्लेष्क Ex:  In terms of fishing, Net spreads, Fixed net बड़ी कठिनाई Ex:  In terms of Marine , net Patente, legal certificate which states that a ship came out of a country free from contagious diseases भारी उलझन Ex:  It also means a net Kind used to make small birds मुष्टिकरण Ex:  It also says a net Kind which is used to make rabbits ferrets मूर Ex:  It also says a Small fishing net मूल्य Ex:  It is also said net Make home उ:   मूल्य की अवधारणा अर्थशास्त्र में केन्द्रीय है। मेलना Ex:  It is difficult crystal net that is well मेल्हना Ex:  It is said to similar effect, in terms of trade, net price, price below which the seller does more discount, final price मोल Ex:  It was released net of the case उ:   इसी कोशिश में उन्होंने न जाने कितनों की दुश्मनी मोल ली। यमन Ex:  Its debts paid, he still has to leave and Net hundred thousand francs, it still leaves him a hundred thousand francs and net रालना Ex:  JET is said, by extension, a liquid that gushes with net strength, column, etc लाधनापु Ex:  Kind Fishing net that is dragged on strikes वक्रय Ex:  Ledge of Architecture or under the net of ove a marquee वजनअ Ex:  loosed net that grows on the skin of most mammals and in some places of the human body वस्तुरचना Ex:  net वाक्यपद्धति Ex:  Net income, one that removes a business, net of all fees वापसीं Ex:  NET is used substantively in that sentence, put the net writing, design, plan, etc वाससू Ex:  net pronunciation, separate विनिर्मित Ex:  net speech, easy, elegant व्यवच्छिन्न Ex:  PANEL also means a net for take small game व्लेष्क Ex:  PRECISE, speaking of speech or style, signifies Who precision, which says exactly what is needed, which is a net शंसित Ex:  Put a net below a title शुद्ध (नेट Ex:  Put writing net शुध्द Ex:  Quality which is net शैली Ex:  Sort of like fishing net bag, mounted on a hoop and a handle adapted to उ:   यह शैली द्विवेदी जी की प्रतिनिधि शैली है। श्रथन Ex:  Talking net franc and समालंभ Ex:  The estate, net of debts and legacies, mounts a hundred thousand francs सरभ Ex:  The meshes of a net सही Ex:  The meshes of this net are too large, too large उ:   बोलते हुए उन्हें सही शब्द नहीं सूझता। सहीह Ex:  The net or frenulum साँकड़ाना Ex:  The player's ball shaved the rope, the net हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  There are several meshes rupturable This net हिंस्त्रयंत्र Ex:  These print characters are strong net Writing फँसाना
As verb : जाली मे फाँसना Ex:  Ammonium is excreted in the urine resulting in net acid loss.
As adjective : भावरुप Ex:  It also means the Original, the draft of a letter, which we first wrote to then make a copy and put it over the net वास्तविक Ex:  net speech, easy, elegant उ:   शीतयुद्ध कभी भी वास्तविक युद्ध में बदल सकता था।
Other : खालिस Ex:  The net value of the latter predominates उ:   प्रबंध के सिद्धांतों को खालिस विज्ञान से भिन्न माना जा सकता है। पक्का Ex:  Though no net current flows फन्दा Ex:  Arts Resume, when they have run down, the stitches of a stocking, a sock, a knitted fabric or a net बेमेल Ex:  I told her net साफ Ex:  The process of this man net, not net, net is not well उ:   नमूने को साफ प्लास्टिक की थैली में डाल दें।
Net ki paribhasha : vichaaron ya bhaavon ko abhivyakt karane ki riti ya kaushal pakadne ka kaam karaana jise paane ka hak ho pakadi ya thahari hui vastu ko is prakaar chhod dena ki vah niche gir pade jad se ukhaadne yogy shastr chhodne se poorv use abhimntrit karane ka ek mntr rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana paise ka chaubisavaaan ya pachisavaaan bhaag kisi chija, visheshataः lakadi patthar ya dhaatu aadi, men bana hua bahut se chhote chhote chhedon ka samooh raajasthaan men honevaala ek vrakshavishesh
Net synonyms
exclusive clear remaining final pure excluding after deductions after taxes irreducible take-home undeductible screen network lace cloth lattice netting fabric lacework reticulum openwork tracery nab entangle bag ensnare hook enmesh trap catch lasso accumulate bring in earn reap make realize clean up
Net antonyms
unprofitable release exclude gross let go lose free spend fail
Usage of Net in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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