Neural meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Neural
As adjective : चेता सम्बन्धी Ex:  every processor has got lots of neural channels.
तंत्रिका Ex:  Exceptions include the oligodendrocytes which myelinate neural axons . उ:   तंत्रिका तंत्र पूर्ण विकसित होता है। तंत्रिकीय Ex:  Connectionism uses neural nets to simulate the brain. उ:   इनका प्रयोग तंत्रिकीय और मानसिक रोगों के इलाज में किया जाता है। तटस्थ Ex:  The study of neural networks Neural networks and connectionism: उ:   तटस्थ शक्ति जीवरूपा है। नपुंसक Ex:  The strength of these programs lies in their neural networks' weights tables स्नायु संबन्धी
Neural ki paribhasha : vaidyak ke anusaar vah purush jisamen kaamechchha bilkul na ho athava bahut hi kam ho aur kisi vishesh upaay se jaagrat ho kisi vastu ka vah lakshan jo usake svaroop ko lekar nahin balki usake gun aur dharm aadi ko lekar bata- laaya jaay ???? bich men padkar vivaad ki gitaanevaala vyaakaran men napunsak ling ka baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe
Neural synonyms
auditory visual sensual tactile sensational acoustic audible auricular clear discernible distinct ocular perceptible plain receptive sensible optic sonic neurological audiovisual olfactory aural afferent gustative gustatory hearable lingual olfactive ophthalmic phonic sensatory
Usage of Neural in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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