Neutral meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Neutral
As noun : अश्वमुख Ex:  Some of these farmers remained neutral during the war
अश्ववक्त्र Ex:  In July 2007, the Vatican agreed to become the first carbon neutral state. किन्नर Ex:  Unlike the politically neutral Speaker of the House of Commons उ:   उनके अनुसार ‘यह किन्नर देश है। खरमुख Ex:  15 percent chose neutral responses . गीतमोदी Ex:  Norway was a neutral country. तटस्थ राष्ट्र Ex:  Sweden remained officially neutral during World War I and World War II नरवाहन Ex:  The Radhanites functioned as neutral go-betweens निपाख Ex:  North Vietnamese combat troops were sent southwest into neutral Laos. निरपख Ex:  Although Twain remained neutral during the Civil War निरपच्छो Ex:  Liechtenstein remained neutral निष्पक्ष Ex:  The neutral core could in theory be used as a ground उ:   निष्पक्ष न्याय के लिए मियां भुआं को नियुक्त किया। बलशून्य Ex:  Live and neutral are 4 × 6 × 18 mm spaced 22 mm apart.
As adjective : अपक्षपाती व्यक्ति या जाति Ex:  He is a neutral person. न अच्छा न बुरा Ex:  Neutrons are neutral particles with a mass almost equal to that of the proton. न इस ओर का न उस ओर का Ex:  Google announced that they plan to become carbon neutral by 2008 बीच की राह का Ex:  The water tends to be neutral मध्यस्थ Ex:  During World War II Lisbon was one of the very few neutral वह जो किसी ओर भाग न ले Ex:  The Irish state remained neutral during World War II
Other : उदासीन Ex:  Outside these neutral areas तटस्थ Ex:  Pure water is useful because it has a neutral pH उ:   इसलिए यह एक तटस्थ भाषा के रूप में काम करती है। निष्क्रीय Ex:  Many plugs make no distinction between the live and neutral contacts बेसरोकार Ex:  Outside of Africa, most states remained neutral
Neutral ki paribhasha : ???? bich men padkar vivaad ki gitaanevaala baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe kisi vastu ka vah lakshan jo usake svaroop ko lekar nahin balki usake gun aur dharm aadi ko lekar bata- laaya jaay
Neutral synonyms
disinterested evenhanded fair-minded uninvolved unbiased uncommitted inactive undecided nonaligned indifferent nonpartisan calm cool aloof clinical collected detached disengaged dispassionate easy impersonal inert nonchalant on the fence unconcerned unprejudiced pacifistic relaxed noncombatant bystanding middle-of-road nonbelligerent nonparticipating on sidelines poker-faced unaligned vague achromatic vanilla intermediate abstract drab colorless expressionless indeterminate indistinct indistinguishable undefined toneless
Neutral antonyms
biased interested excited agitated predisposed concerned involved prejudiced decided committal partial bright loud strong
Usage of Neutral in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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