New meaning in hindi

How to pronounce New
As noun : अज्ञात Ex:  John bought a new shockproof watch. उ:   इस मंदिर का मूल उद्गम अज्ञात है।
अनचीन्हा० Ex:  She heaped reproaches upon her new servent. अननुभावकता Ex:  a new generation of unveiled women in Iran अनसमझा Ex:  Her letters were redirected at her new address. अनाज्ञात Ex:  the veterans laughed at the new recruits अपरिकलित Ex:  The critics acclaimed his new book. नामालूम Ex:  I bought a new bicycle for myself. संछन्न Ex:  After 1158 and under the new conditions
As adjective : अंन्य Ex:  We saw the clip from the new film. अच्छा Ex:  Give it a new start. उ:   लेकिन यह अच्छा ही हुआ। अजननी Ex:  the new musical was visually and aurally appealing अजनबी Ex:  the new freedom in movies and novels अनगैरी० Ex:  she was received hospitably by her new family अनचिन्ह० Ex:  we founded a new home . अनचीता Ex:  The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution अनचीन्हा० Ex:  She heaped reproaches upon her new servent. अनचीन्ह० Ex:  electricity board has required NOC for new connection. अनीदृश Ex:  Luther had a new perception of the Bible अन्नि Ex:  An imaginative new staging of Macbeth. अन्य Ex:  a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra उ:   आगरा का एक अन्य विश्व धरोहर स्थल है आगरा का किला। अन्यक Ex:  The Congress has a new spokesman. अन्यत् Ex:  He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life. अपरभाव Ex:  The young girl felt the new job as sedentary. अपरिचित Ex:  A new religious movement originated in that country. अपोच Ex:  The new secular belong to tribal cast. अभिनव Ex:  he started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th उ:   अभिनव गुप्त का समय निश्चित रूप से ज्ञात है। अभ्यग्र Ex:  Ms.Sunitha is our new biology teacher. अमीत Ex:  Some disaffected members left to form a new party. अर्वाचीन Ex:  The new building is in S shape. उ:   ये अर्वाचीन वैदिक है। अलग Ex:  This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room! उ:   वे उनसे अलग रह रहे हैं। अलगार Ex:  He plans to start a new life. अश्रृत Ex:  I bought a new bat for my nephew. असंश्लिष्ट Ex:  A new religious movement originated in that country असंस्तुत Ex:  Our company has launched a new product. आधुनिक Ex:  The new restaurant has gnocchi in its menu. उ:   आधुनिक ग्रीक वर्णमाला में २४ वर्ण हैं। आभिरामिक Ex:  His truck had to have a new engine. इकौसे Ex:  She looked enviably at my new saree . इदानींतन Ex:  I waited for my new car in fever of excitement. उद्धुत Ex:  He is our new associate professor. उलिंगण Ex:  crispness of new dollar bills ओलग Ex:  CBSE Board is piloting a new English course. कचा Ex:  she was an experimenter in new forms of poetry कच्चा Ex:  He exploited the new tax system. उ:   जल जल प्रकाश-संश्लेषण की क्रिया का कच्चा माल है। कमरंद Ex:  He has bought a new camera from HongKong. कषण Ex:  Her mother is disposed to new ideas. काँची Ex:  She is wearing a new nightgown काच्या Ex:  The new Chief Minister is unapproachable. कारवी Ex:  the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town काषण Ex:  Sita purchesed new stola. खुब Ex:  He bought a new wallet गैर Ex:  Get a new telephone directory. उ:   एक गैर जादुई व्यक्ति जिनके माता पिता जादूगर हैं स्क्विब होता है। दरकिनार Ex:  Mrs.Shivani is the new Mayoress of this town. नइ Ex:  There is new entrant in the team. नई Ex:  We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings. उ:   यह नई दिल्ली शहर का मुख्य रेलवे स्टेशन है । नबीन Ex:  Old is not new . नबेली Ex:  60% of the respondents said they were opposed to the new law. नया Ex:  Hari said his prayers before leaving for the new job. उ:   उत्तराखण्ड सरकार का एक और नया केन्द्र है। नवल Ex:  my boss was boogeyman to new hires उ:   ;विपुल प्रेम अनुराग नवल दोउ करत आहार विहार। नवीता Ex:  The new policy was made retroactive to 1st october. नवीन Ex:  mediate between the old and the new उ:   उसके समय में अनेक नवीन मन्दिर तथा भवन बने। नवीनआ Ex:  The scientists popularized new theories in medicine. नाआश्ना Ex:  The speaker of the House swore in the new President निक Ex:  We purchased a new microwave oven" निरानी Ex:  She does skiing perfectly,with her new crampon. नूतन Ex:  He got a new skateboard for himself? उ:   नूतन का देहांत फरवरी १९९१ को कर्क रोग के कारण हुआ। नोनो Ex:  The new hotel opened with a flourish. परपुरुष Ex:  Ann designed a new kitchen for us . पृथगात्मा Ex:  I went to the boss about the new secretary . प्रतिनव Ex:  We have a new car, finally . प्रत्यार्द्र Ex:  The firm's difficulties are a new one on me . प्रविरल Ex:  Here comes Tom with a new girlfriend . प्रविविक्त Ex:  That's it! A new house . फरके Ex:  Alice is spouting off about her new car . फरक्क ‡ Ex:  Lisa has her sights trained on a new car . फाइन Ex:  Arnold urged the new policy on the employees . बरतरफ Ex:  What's new with you? Sally: Oh, nothing . बिभग Ex:  There were few new social interventions बोहर Ex:  Two new railway companies भाउन Ex:  Palestrinan style, and his 1610 Vespers in the new style. भिन्न Ex:  '" Grace's new co-star उ:   ये लिफाफे अन्य लिफाफों से भिन्न हैं। मायोभव Ex:  Five new luas lines are planned मुख्तलिफ Ex:  Dar es Salaam became the new music center in Tanzania मुबर्रा Ex:  Since new elections could not be held in Communist-occupied constituencies मुबारक Ex:  It prevented the British Army from recruiting new soldiers from the Tories. मुस्तशना Ex:  In 1932 Horthy appointed a new prime-minister राहचलता Ex:  Over 70% of new cars sold in 2004 had diesel engines लतीफ Ex:  The new city's first building was the Peter and Paul Fortress लाइल्म Ex:  Hrafnkell builds himself a new home in another valley. विए Ex:  The new Duke of Burgundy विपृक् Ex:  Sony Pictures Home Entertainment replaced it with a new व्यपवृक्त Ex:  Windows Update, and the new Windows Firewall. व्यवेत Ex:  These new organs have been described as ampullary organs. शलाटु Ex:  Billie Joe announced more on this new album श्लाघित Ex:  2001. In July 1993, Microsoft released Windows NT based on a new kernel. सद Ex:  With each new treaty, the powers of the Parliament have expanded. सद्यस्क, सद्यस्तन Ex:  These new arrivals used the Siskiyou Trail सरीहनीय Ex:  It introduced 100 new species of Pokémon साद्य Ex:  Tu Bishvat marks the new year for trees . साधुमत् Ex:  Organised sports were relatively new to Greece सुक्रय Ex:  A new Mini Cooper named the RSP was briefly relaunched in 1990-91 सौँधी Ex:  Under the new one-vote स्तुषेय्य Ex:  With this new cartridge हादिस Ex:  However it was in the new geometries of Bolyai and Lobachevsky हाल का Ex:  Several new hotels including Crowne Plaza
As adverb : नया नवीन Ex:  The new policy is administratively inconveniant. नया या नवीन या नूतन Ex:  He opened a new business. सुदृढ Ex:  In , the Dodgers moved to their new ballpark, Dodger Stadium. उ:   आर्थिक दृष्टि से उनकी स्थिति अरब क़बीलों की अपेक्षा अधिक सुदृढ थी।
Other : कोरा Ex:  These new shoes squeak. ताज़ा Ex:  made lots of new friends उ:   ज़मीन पर अवतरण होने के बाद जया ताज़ा होने के लिए टॉयलेट जाती है। ताजा Ex:  she gave me a walk-through of my new duties उ:   वहां जाकर शहीदों की कुर्बानियों की याद ताजा हो जाती है। नव Ex:  Its not a new car,its been reconditioned. उ:   नव दंपति अपने हनीमून के लिए कश्मीर जाते हैं। नव्य Ex:  I saw the trailor of the new film. उ:   प्राचीन व्याकरण एवं नव्य व्याकरण दो स्वतंत्र विषय हैं। नौ Ex:  They besieged us with orders for the new book . उ:   यह नौ प्रांतों में विभक्त है।
New ki paribhasha : harivnsh ke anusaar ushinar naamak raaja ke ladke ka naam phal aadi jo dal se tootakar turnt aaya ho praarthana ya aadesh ke uttar men prashn ke nahin svikratisoochak shabd apratyaashit jisaka sngathana, srajana, aavishkaar ya aavirbhaav bahut haal men hua ho nilam ka ek dosh jisake kaaran pahananevaale ko pati, putraadi ka shok praapt hona maana jaata hai maal ka kiraaya jo jahaajavaalon ko diya jaata hai lash door door par pad hua taage ka vah dobh jisapar daraji bakhiya karate hain
New synonyms
late different state-of-the-art unusual unfamiliar contemporary current strange brand-new unique original advanced au courant dissimilar distinct fashionable inexperienced latest modernistic modish newfangled novel now spick-and-span topical ultramodern unaccustomed unknown unlike unseasoned unskilled unspoiled untouched untrained untried unused up-to-date virgin youthful cutting-edge dewy just out neoteric uncontaminated untrodden other more another else extra farther further increased supplementary added improved altered changed renewed revived redesigned refreshed regenerated newly afresh anew lately freshly of late
New antonyms
old-fashioned like similar standard antiquated usual future deteriorated outdated worn existing out-of-date normal common familiar regular past existent unstylish
Usage of New in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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