Newspaper meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Newspaper
As noun : अख़बार Ex:  he read his newspaper at breakfast उ:   इस तरह उस का अख़बार भी बंद हो गया।
ऐंडवर्टिजमेंट Ex:  The newspaper apologised for the misprint. कला और विज्ञापन Ex:  an influential newspaper कागज़ Ex:  An influential newspaper उ:   कागज़ बनने के बाद इस कला में क्रांती आई। विज्ञापन Ex:  According to the newspaper China Daily of 6 July 2007 उ:   कुछ केवल पुस्तकों का विज्ञापन करती थीं। समाचार पत्र Ex:  Local newspaper publications include the English language The Herald समाचार प्रकाशन Ex:  According to calculations by the German newspaper Die Welt सूचनापत्र Ex:  Although he worked at the newspaper for only six months
Other : परचा Ex:  The dog tore the newspaper to pieces . वृत्तपत्र Ex:  The Russian newspaper Pravda in its June 25 समाचारपत्र Ex:  The other important newspaper उ:   ये १९४०-५५ तक काल- समाचारपत्र के संपादक भी रहे।
Newspaper ki paribhasha : vah patr jisamen sab deshon ke anek prakaar ke samaachaar rahate hon kisi baat ko batalaane ya jatalaane ki kriya
Newspaper synonyms
tabloid journal daily magazine paper community periodical press rag sheet metropolitan organ extra review trade record gazette scandal sheet weekly bulldog biweekly
Usage of Newspaper in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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