Newsprint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Newsprint
As noun : अखबारी कागज Ex:  A monthly newsprint publication Stomp And Stammer features local music news
अख़बारी काग़ज़ समाचारपत्र का कागज समाचारमुद्रण पत्र
Newsprint synonyms
sheet poster note pad stationery card rag parchment vellum papyrus tissue letterhead filing card note card note pad onion skin engraving photograph stamp writing edition magazine book newspaper copy type impression typeface imprint indentation periodical font composition printed matter lettering lithograph typescript letters characters typesetting black-and-white
Usage of Newsprint in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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