Next meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Next
As adverb : अगला Ex:  After a long discussion they finalised on the outline for their next compaign. उ:   अगला पड़ाव है भीमचण्डी।
अतऊर्ध्वम् Ex:  The editor has received extra contributions for the next issue. अन्वक् Ex:  In India financial year is from April to March of next year. आगामी Ex:  I have to getdown at the next station. उ:   उनकी आगामी फ़िल्म ट्विंकल-ट्विंकल लिटिल स्टार है। आने वाला Ex:  I have you on my calendar for next Monday आसन्न Ex:  Farmer collected all the corms from the plants to sow it next year. उपकंठ Ex:  I could hear the clatter of typewriters in the next room. उसके बाद Ex:  I could hear the typewriters clattering in the next room. ठीक आगे Ex:  The Institute is celeberating its quarter-centenary next year. ठीक पश्चात् Ex:  He is coming on the twelfth next month. ठीक बादका Ex:  He marriage is on next Sunday. तत्पचात Ex:  Fiscal year in India is from April to March of the next year. तदान्तर Ex:  Cleanliness is next to godliness. तदुत्तर Ex:  Ambala is the next station. तदुपरि Ex:  Crouch down here, next to me . तापति Ex:  See you next month, Tom . नीचे वाला Ex:  I hope to be back on my feet next week . पच्छति Ex:  The next year, however, saw a pro-Medici Signoria elected and Cosimo returned. पास का Ex:  She rebounded at her next tournament पास में Ex:  5-4. Her next tournament was the J&S Cup in Warsaw फिर Ex:  Henin won her next tournament उ:   फिर वह उसी अर्थ के लिए रूढ़ हो जाता है। बगल में Ex:  Leo responded over the next three years बाद में Ex:  Over the next 20 years होने वाला Ex:  Mary's for the next 12 years, rarely visited by his family.
Other : आगिल Ex:  This rule will become operative from next year. निकट Ex:  Happy New Year! Sue: You, too! See you next year . उ:   ४. कौशाम्बी- प्रयागराज के निकट है। निकटतम Ex:  Keep your pants on! You're next . उ:   यहाँ का निकटतम हवाई अड्डा गया और पटना है। निकटस्थ Ex:  John lives next door . उ:   समस्तीपुर का निकटस्थ हवाई अड्डा ६५ किलोमीटर दूर पटना में स्थित है। पार Ex:  For the next 50 years उ:   हमलावरों ने एक पुलिस स्टेशन को पार कर दिया। बाद का Ex:  Over the next five days बाद वाला Ex:  In the next few years लगा हुआ Ex:  In his next 15 seasons in New York
Next ki paribhasha : snbndh men jisase bahut antar na ho snbndh men jisase vishesh antar na ho jaisa ek samay ho chuka hai vaisa hi doosare samay bhi purakha bahu
Next synonyms
later adjacent adjoining alongside beside close consequent ensuing following meeting neighboring proximate subsequent touching abutting attached back-to-back closest coterminous hard by nearest on the side side-by-side succeeding afterward behind closely subsequently thereafter latterly afterwhile by and by coming up next off
Next antonyms
earlier preceding previous
Usage of Next in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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