Nihilistic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nihilistic
As noun : नाशवादी Ex:  adjectively, Doctrines nihilistic
As adjective :
नकारवादी Ex:  Burdened with nihilistic disillusionment शून्यवा शून्यवादी
Other : नाश Ex:  A nihilist, nihilistic उ:   जिसके कारण प्रधान राजा और उस देश का नाश करता है। शून्य उ:   वस्तुतः शून्य के बिना कोई भी स्थानीय मान पद्धति काम नहीं कर सकती।
Nihilistic ki paribhasha : shoonyavaad ka maananevaalaa, arthaat vah vyakti jo ishvar aur jiv ke astitv men vishvaas na karata ho
Nihilistic synonyms
lawless rebellious revolutionary unruly anarchic
Usage of Nihilistic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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