No more than meaning in hindi

How to pronounce No more than
As noun : अकेली Ex:  Each member may make no more than one speech on a motion उ:   पूरे मौनवंश में अंडे देने का काम अकेली रानी मधुमक्खी ही करती है।
केवल Ex:  Tickets can be purchased no more than 45 days in advance. उ:   अब केवल एकहरी नागरिकता का नियम है। निछान— Ex:  Elections must be called at no more than five-year intervals. निरवक Ex:  The rules given in the book may be no more than the opinion of the author. हेकली Ex:  Other broadcasters must average no more than nine minutes .
No more than ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo bhraaantishoony aur vishuddh ho
No more than synonyms
comparatively practically seldom barely simply somewhat rarely gradually imperceptibly infrequently little only slightly sporadically almost inconceivably almost not by a hair by no means detectably faintly no way not a bit not at all not by much not likely not markedly not measurably not much not notably not noticeably not often not quite once in a blue moon only just pretty near scantly sparsely with trouble but plainly solely at most nothing but
No more than antonyms
frequently very indefinitely
Usage of No more than in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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