No nonsense meaning in hindi

How to pronounce No nonsense
As noun : इखलाकी
वैयवहारिक व्यावहारिक उ:   किन्तु यह व्यावहारिक ईकाई नहीं है।
No nonsense ki paribhasha : vah jo vyavahaar shaastr ke anusaar aabhayogi ka vichaar karata ho
No nonsense synonyms
businesslike stern demanding direct efficient practical rigid basics brass tacks fundamentals innards mechanics nitty-gritty basic details essentials inner workings no frills practical details practicalities short blunt brief frank rough tart open barefaced brusque candid crusty curt downright forthright gruff hearty honest laconic outspoken rude snippy straightforward tactless terse unceremonious short-spoken snippety blustering bearish breviloquent plain-spoken sensible hardheaded pragmatic realistic plainspoken common easy matter-of-fact mundane rational sane commonsense hardboiled unfantastic unidealistic unsentimental thoughtful firm constant steady intent stable close determined fixed meaningful resolute mean business for real no-fooling playing hard ball resolved heavy subdued sage quiet dull dignified deadpan dour grim leaden ponderous sad saturnine muted cold sober grim-faced long-faced strictly business unsmiling serene decorous placid laid-back tranquil unflappable composed deliberate cool demure dispassionate imperturbable proper seemly unruffled cool as cucumber genuine severe austere bound bound and determined contemplative downbeat funereal meditative pensive reflective set pokerfaced go for broke unhumorous heartfelt trustworthy aboveboard actual artless bona fide dear devout faithful guileless natural on the level regular righteous saintly square true-blue unaffected unfeigned unpretentious wholehearted dead-level honest to god like it is meant no fooling on the line on up and up pretensionless sure enough twenty-four carat undesigning undissembled up-front levelheaded reasonable lucid dark low-key restrained sound reserved inhibited collected constrained drab hard-boiled pacific soft disciplined abstaining forgoing abnegating eschewing clear-headed toned down unexcited unimpassioned portentous glum intense matter of life and death moody brooding melancholy gloomy mournful bleak black cloudy dim dingy dismal doleful dreary dusky joyless lugubrious murky obscure sepulchral shadowy shady sourpuss tenebrous caliginous dispiriting depressive dragged hurting stuffy calm formal settled starchy self-restrained stringent tough harsh scrupulous exacting rigorous draconian disciplinary forbidding oppressive picky prudish punctilious puritanical strait-laced unsparing uptight dead set iron-fisted stickling unpermissive substantial significant consequential momentous big big deal considerable critical crucial forcible material heavyweight underlined uncompromising tough-minded bullheaded inflexible mulish obdurate obstinate pigheaded stubborn stubborn as a mule in earnest
No nonsense antonyms
courteous polite dishonest lengthy long devious definite unrealistic irrational excitable excited impractical unreasonable unsensible unstable changeable irresolute inconstant unsteady untrustworthy wobbly flippant unconcerned unthoughtful insincere trivial unimportant loose weak wavering unfixed unenthusiastic thoughtless unpassionate unpurposeful unserious boisterous agitated lively cheerful frivolous ridiculous silly inconsequential light funny happy indecorous noisy annoyed upset troubled loud deceptive misleading minor false counterfeit deceitful invalid tricky nervous worried friendly drunk inebriated immoderate joyful ignorant laughing insignificant usual ordinary unimpressive unsacred vivacious encouraging bright luminous hopeful sunny adventurous sporting willing tolerant kind facile lenient tractable inaccurate indefinite uncertain flexible gentle nice easy mild soft easy-going amenable yielding meaningless small thin unsubstantial solvable sentimental
Usage of No nonsense in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi. 
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