No show meaning in hindi

How to pronounce No show
As noun :
कर्तव्य से भागने वाला
No show synonyms
cut vacancy absenteeism truancy french leave nonattendance awol nonappearance debtor juvenile delinquent offender hoodlum felon wrongdoer lawbreaker malefactor reprobate culprit miscreant desperado outlaw punk loafer behind recreant derelict deadbeat blackguard black sheep defaulter jailbird deadhead lounger dawdler neglecter sinner fallen angel jd evader juvie young offender truantry away removed vanished missing ghost gone astray elsewhere no-show nobody home defector escapee criminal renegade maroon refugee absconder betrayer shirker traitor apostate slacker runaway backslider escaper hookey player absent without leave cutting class not present playing hooky skipping school malingerer draft dodger hooky player
No show antonyms
existence abundance enough plenty presence attending existing sufficient present adherent loyalist
Usage of No show in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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