Noise meaning in hindi
As noun : अठपाव० Ex: laws enforcing noise abatement
अड़ोर Ex: "all the noise in his speech concealed the fact that he didn have anything to say" अनल्पघोष Ex: Modern music is just noise to me. आवाज़ Ex: The hall reverberated from the noise of the visitors. आहट Ex: I peeped through the keyhole to see what was causing that
peculiar noise in that room. उ: आहट पाकर वे उसी अवस्था में विश्वाबसु को पकड़ने दौड़े। उद्घुष्ट Ex: The noise of the vehicles tires everyone. उद्वाचित दोष अनभिप्रेत संकेत Ex: A coachload of boys made lot of noise throughout the journey. उपकिरण Ex: a deafening noise ऊधम Ex: Megaphones should be banned since they cause noise pollution. कलकल Ex: The noise brought out all the people . कलहलना Ex: I can't compete with all this noise . कालकील Ex: The noise dwindled away to nothing . कुराहरपु Ex: The sails f lapped around, making a lot of noise . कोलाहल Ex: Please don't noise this abroad . उ: गाड़ियों की आवाज़ और मल्लाहों की कोलाहल से उनकी नींद खुली। गलबल Ex: Scotland's The Skids infused punk rock with elements of synth and noise music. गल्ला Ex: Chicago's Big Black was a major influence on noise rock गहव्वह Ex: The director of The Simpsons told Castellaneta to shorten the noise गिलबा Ex: Attracted by the ensuing noise गुल Ex: I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by". चाचर, चाचरि Ex: Her cries attracted Godunov and Belsky to the noise चियारना Ex: Since a moving bicycle makes little noise चौडा़ना Ex: The noise of flowing water overpowers any call छुरण Ex: In the case of noise pollution the dominant source class is the motor vehicle धमगजर Ex: The tourism flights over the canyon have also created a noise issue धमसोल Ex: In such situations, people adapt, or 'get used' to noise . धुजाना Ex: A noise bothering धौलधक्कड़ Ex: Accredit noise धौलधप्पड़ Ex: After the Sunset, Action, approach that should cause a lot of noise ध्वनि{प्रदूषण} Ex: An extraordinary noise called, came and called our attention पिस्तरना Ex: Are you crazy, tell me, do me such request? It was crazy enough to spread the noise प्रघोष Ex: Arguing with a lot of noise प्रचारान Ex: At the slightest noise he wakes फरालन ‡ Ex: Dampen noise from the street by a double window फैलाना Ex: deaf Lime, Lime, which makes no noise when it is used बिटालना Ex: Do not make much noise , you disturb बिस्तरना Ex: Do something with little noise मशहूर कर देना Ex: drone, noise in the ears रौलेबाजी Ex: Give courses to an opinion, to a noise विकीरन Ex: Grand accompanied by movement disorder and often noise विनद Ex: Great sound, noise विप्रसारण Ex: He arrived in the city with a great noise विरुत Ex: He denied, in newspapers, this noise calomnieur विवार Ex: He does not like the noise शब्दित Ex: He runs a bad noise शोर गुल करना Ex: Hear a voice, a noise शोर Ex: Hearing the noise उ: शोर प्रदूषण का स्तर भी अधिक है। शौर Ex: I inquired of such, or such or with such a noise that if the court is true संक्रंद Ex: I learned that a Cleon had helped to spread the noise संप्रसारण Ex: In terms of Carousel, he said the noise produced by the horse's foot, hitting the ground, walking in संराव, संरावण Ex: invariable Things we did not see or hear yourself and you only know by a report another person or the public noise संहूति Ex: It also means Grand noise, noise समुन्मीलन Ex: It also means less noise Making सेरं.4 Ex: It also means the noise and complaints that people are dissatisfied हठिका Ex: It also means where it is, where we hear a lot of noise हल्ला गुल्ला Ex: It also said the locations where one hear no noise हालहूल Ex: It also said the noise some animals are whistling हाहू Ex: It also says a Sound or noise which dominates another and does not hear or distinguish
peculiar noise in that room. उ: आहट पाकर वे उसी अवस्था में विश्वाबसु को पकड़ने दौड़े। उद्घुष्ट Ex: The noise of the vehicles tires everyone. उद्वाचित दोष अनभिप्रेत संकेत Ex: A coachload of boys made lot of noise throughout the journey. उपकिरण Ex: a deafening noise ऊधम Ex: Megaphones should be banned since they cause noise pollution. कलकल Ex: The noise brought out all the people . कलहलना Ex: I can't compete with all this noise . कालकील Ex: The noise dwindled away to nothing . कुराहरपु Ex: The sails f lapped around, making a lot of noise . कोलाहल Ex: Please don't noise this abroad . उ: गाड़ियों की आवाज़ और मल्लाहों की कोलाहल से उनकी नींद खुली। गलबल Ex: Scotland's The Skids infused punk rock with elements of synth and noise music. गल्ला Ex: Chicago's Big Black was a major influence on noise rock गहव्वह Ex: The director of The Simpsons told Castellaneta to shorten the noise गिलबा Ex: Attracted by the ensuing noise गुल Ex: I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by". चाचर, चाचरि Ex: Her cries attracted Godunov and Belsky to the noise चियारना Ex: Since a moving bicycle makes little noise चौडा़ना Ex: The noise of flowing water overpowers any call छुरण Ex: In the case of noise pollution the dominant source class is the motor vehicle धमगजर Ex: The tourism flights over the canyon have also created a noise issue धमसोल Ex: In such situations, people adapt, or 'get used' to noise . धुजाना Ex: A noise bothering धौलधक्कड़ Ex: Accredit noise धौलधप्पड़ Ex: After the Sunset, Action, approach that should cause a lot of noise ध्वनि{प्रदूषण} Ex: An extraordinary noise called, came and called our attention पिस्तरना Ex: Are you crazy, tell me, do me such request? It was crazy enough to spread the noise प्रघोष Ex: Arguing with a lot of noise प्रचारान Ex: At the slightest noise he wakes फरालन ‡ Ex: Dampen noise from the street by a double window फैलाना Ex: deaf Lime, Lime, which makes no noise when it is used बिटालना Ex: Do not make much noise , you disturb बिस्तरना Ex: Do something with little noise मशहूर कर देना Ex: drone, noise in the ears रौलेबाजी Ex: Give courses to an opinion, to a noise विकीरन Ex: Grand accompanied by movement disorder and often noise विनद Ex: Great sound, noise विप्रसारण Ex: He arrived in the city with a great noise विरुत Ex: He denied, in newspapers, this noise calomnieur विवार Ex: He does not like the noise शब्दित Ex: He runs a bad noise शोर गुल करना Ex: Hear a voice, a noise शोर Ex: Hearing the noise उ: शोर प्रदूषण का स्तर भी अधिक है। शौर Ex: I inquired of such, or such or with such a noise that if the court is true संक्रंद Ex: I learned that a Cleon had helped to spread the noise संप्रसारण Ex: In terms of Carousel, he said the noise produced by the horse's foot, hitting the ground, walking in संराव, संरावण Ex: invariable Things we did not see or hear yourself and you only know by a report another person or the public noise संहूति Ex: It also means Grand noise, noise समुन्मीलन Ex: It also means less noise Making सेरं.4 Ex: It also means the noise and complaints that people are dissatisfied हठिका Ex: It also means where it is, where we hear a lot of noise हल्ला गुल्ला Ex: It also said the locations where one hear no noise हालहूल Ex: It also said the noise some animals are whistling हाहू Ex: It also says a Sound or noise which dominates another and does not hear or distinguish
Other : अफवाह Ex: The noise of children galled him. आवाज Ex: We get noise from the overflying planes उ: इसके अलावा उन्होंने अपने आवाज का जादू भी बिखेरा। आवाज़ Ex: Rumbling noise last night was a thunder. उ: पर उनकी आवाज़ की लालसा में उन्हें अभिनय का मौका भी दिया जाने लगा। खट खट Ex: The noise in the audience tripped up the speaker . खट Ex: Flight at supersonic speed creates more noise than flight at subsonic speeds खलबल Ex: ' There will always be some form of corrupting noise नाद Ex: An increasing noise उ: इसमें नाद के पाँच भेद माने हैं। रव Ex: Fanfaron making great noise of his courage and उ: किन्तु किसी युक्ति या तंत्र का रव उसके अपने अन्दर से उत्पन्न होता है। रोर Ex: Find someone noise उ: इन्होने बॉलीवुड फ़िल्म रोर में भी कार्य किया है। रौला Ex: Gas comes out of the body in with low noise उ: समाज के विभिन्न वर्गों ने रौला पाया, जबकि दूसरों ने प्रशंसा की थी। हल्ला Ex: It also said the noise produced by that rolls
Noise ki paribhasha : kheton men bahut door tak paani le jaane ke liye bana hua vah baraha jo jamaan se kuchh ooancha hota hain vaayu men honevaala vah knp jo kisi padaarth par aaghaat padne ke kaaran athava svayn vaayu par aaghaat padne ke kaaran utpann hokar kaan ya shravanendriy tak pahuanchata auऱ usamen ek vishesh prakaar ka kshobh utpann karata hai lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana shabd jo chalane men pair tatha aur doosare angon se hota hai bahut se logon ki aspasht chillaahat
ExamplesNoise synonyms
cry explosion roar cacophony commotion crash buzz turbulence clamor blast bellow shot discord blare hullabaloo racket ring thud fanfare row babel disquietude shouting hubbub boom detonation squawk fuss babble bedlam eruption clang peal hoo-ha fracas clatter jangle din yelling yelp tumult bang pandemonium uproar outcry talk boisterousness caterwauling bewailing stridency fireworks lamentation drumming sonance uproariousness Noise antonyms
calm calmness quiet silence stillness tranquility peace harmony order Usage of Noise in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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