Nonplussed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nonplussed
As noun : प्रतिष्टब्ध
विष्टब्ध स्तंभित स्तब्धरोमा
Other : अवाक् Ex:  He was completely nonplussed by my reply.
Nonplussed ki paribhasha : ekatrikrat ya bhara hua
Nonplussed synonyms
mystify dumbfound bewilder faze disconcert astound baffle astonish daze fluster discountenance stump rattle puzzle confound thwart boggle paralyze stymie stun overcome dismay balk get beat muddle frustrate flurry stick embarrass throw discomfit floor stagger buffalo take aback throw into tizzy mess with one's head rattle one's cage
Nonplussed antonyms
enlighten explain explicate calm comfort soothe aid assist give in surrender educate clear up bore expect support help clarify encourage yield lose please
Usage of Nonplussed in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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