Nonsense meaning in hindi
As noun : अंट संट Ex: It is very wrong to kindle false hopes in anybody.
His nonsense talk kindled her anger.
अंतर्गडु Ex: This kind of nonsense really heats me up . अकर्मान्वित Ex: A book full of learning, full of good things, full of nonsense अतप Ex: He opens his mouth to talk nonsense अनर्थक वाक्य Ex: I have stopped attending them, it always bothered me to hear nonsense अनर्थक Ex: If complete nonsense head अर्थहीन Ex: I'll spare you this nonsense अवश्थ Ex: I'm tired of hearing nonsense आँयबाँय Ex: It also means nonsense in the delirium of the disease उआवाई Ex: It has kept us from nonsense ऊटपटाँग Ex: It has only nonsense क्षीणवृत्ति Ex: It is a donor nonsense खानानशी Ex: It is a great debtor news, nonsense, nonsense of खारच Ex: It is surprising that with all his mind he do such nonsense गलगौज Ex: It only nonsense गैताल Ex: It said that nonsense चेँ चेँ Ex: It said that nonsense चेँपेँ Ex: It said that nonsense झकजक Ex: It said, it simply nonsense डफोल Ex: Reducing a man to the absurd, The Gently in the discussion, to make nonsense or तुच्छ वस्तुएं Ex: The high school was a contradiction, more nonsense in her निरथु Ex: The patient began to talk nonsense निरर्थक बातें Ex: They said nonsense निरर्थक Ex: This book is a hodgepodge where there are some good things mixed with a lot of nonsense उ: इस संग्रह में कहीं किसी निरर्थक विशेषण का प्रयोग कवि ने नहीं किया है। निरूद्यमी Ex: This book is full of nonsense निरूद्योग Ex: This man had printed all that nonsense going through his head निरूद्योगी Ex: This sentence is nonsense निर्थक सिद्धान्त Ex: This speech is full of nonsense, is a continual nonsense फटफट Ex: What nonsense are you talking to us? This word is familiar and is used most often in plural फोकरा Ex: You just tell me beautiful! Go tell your nonsense elsewhere बकताई Ex: , Be right back, thought of someone to whom we attribute all the nonsense which say, all faults that are बकनी Ex: , This man is the antithesis of common sense, he talks nonsense in everything he says बकबक Ex: , To others! Going against these stories that nonsense to others, I do not believe the point बकवास Ex: He agoni nonsense उ: अगर वह मेरे बारे में बकवास करते तो मुझे कोई गम नहीं होता। बेकाज Ex: This are nonsense बेकाज Ex: This are nonsense बेकार उ: बिजनेस इनसाइडर ने भी इसे बेकार कहा। बेतुका बेफजूल बेमसरफ मगजचट्टी मिरथा मिरथा मुँहचटौवल मूर्खातापूर्ण मूर्ख्तापूर्ण रददी राशिवर्धन विजल्पित व्यर्थ की बात श्वेतकाकीय सारशून्य हेचपोच
His nonsense talk kindled her anger.
Other : झख Ex: More colloquially, he moved, he talks nonsense झष Ex: or bad qualities, wit and nonsense some people, from the reputation they have made बेहूदगी वाहियात
Nonsense ki paribhasha : jisaka koi arth ya prayojan na ho jisamen saamnjasy na ho bemel jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho
ExamplesNonsense synonyms
madness silliness babble joke bunk folly stupidity foolishness drivel rubbish baloney gibberish trash absurdity bananas balderdash scrawl jest rot rashness irrationality thoughtlessness poppycock palaver bombast claptrap giddiness jazz imprudence bull pretense prattle scribble hogwash ranting tripe fatuity hooey senselessness fun flightiness inanity hot air mumbo jumbo soft soap ludicrousness jive Nonsense antonyms
wisdom clarity common sense judgment seriousness possessions truth fact intelligibility understanding Usage of Nonsense in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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