Nose around meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nose around
As noun :
ताक झांक करना
Nose around synonyms
drag forage interrogate scour seek examine rummage trace inquire question probe winnow trail sift delve grope ransack ferret out fish for run down go after be on the lookout cast about look all over hell look high and low scratch around search high heaven try to find inspect consider explore study scrutinize review prospect spy scout tap frisk dig research read poke reconnoiter case pry bug check out go into look into eyeball muckrake wiretap be all ears check over check up feel out give the once over inquisite listen in look over look-see make inquiry put to the test stake out skulk slink lurk tramp stroll roam patrol sneak range stalk snake rove cruise steal scavenge bait haunt tag hound badger tail persist persevere accompany attend track plague shadow ride dog harass harry oppress bird-dog chivy camp on the doorstep of give chase hunt down move behind play catch up poke around prowl after run after scout out search for search out take out after track down search through
Nose around antonyms
reply ignore rush answer let go neglect forget overlook leave alone aid assist retreat eschew shun discontinue run away give up quit stop be lazy help support
Usage of Nose around in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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