Nose meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगुलिमुख Ex: he has a cold in the nose
अंशप्रदान Ex: he peered haughtily down his nose अग्रभाग Ex: My nose is itching. उ: धनुष का अग्रभाग अग्नि, आधार सोम, दंड विष्णु और पंख वरुण था। अग्रसूची Ex: I gave him a clout on his nose अघ्रान Ex: His nose is blocked due to cold. अधरांगा Ex: The medicine unstuffed my nose in minutes! अनुप्रज्ञान Ex: An animal with a long nose and tongue that feeds on ants. अपष्ठ Ex: He walks around with his nose in the air अपित्व Ex: A bloody nose अरघान Ex: he blew his nose noisily अर्गभाग Ex: His letters provided a bridge across the centuries
Her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose अवकर्त Ex: He bled from his mouth and nose . आगे का उभार Ex: Excuse me, I have to blow my nose . आगे चलना Ex: Bill blew his nose into his handkerchief . आछढ़ना Ex: It's as cold as a welldigger's nose today . आबखुर्द Ex: His nose juts out sharply . आस्फाल Ex: Keep your nose out of my personal affairs . उत्कर्णाता Ex: I will nose around for someone to help you . उत्सुकता Ex: Her mother's nose was always in the air, too . औत्कंठय Ex: Some blood was oozing out of his nose . औत्क्य Ex: I pasted him one right on the nose . कतोहर Ex: Excuse me, I have to powder my nose . कुड्मल Ex: Jeff stuck his nose up in the air and walked out . कुतूहल Ex: Don't stick your nose up in the air . कृंतत्र Ex: His nose swelled after it was struck by the door . कोडी Ex: He turned up his nose . कौतुहलता Ex: Harris's nose was bleeding heavily खाँडा़ Ex: The shape of the giant's nose खुंट Ex: The seats are removable, and the model has a nose cargo door. खोज करना Ex: He broke the nose landing gear when he landed खोज शक्ति Ex: His neck is a little too long, his face thin, and his nose aquiline. खौज करना Ex: Although it was originally placed on the animal's nose by Mantell गंध Ex: The nose was designed to carry two Browning . उ: इसके द्वारा गंध का ज्ञान होता है। गंधनाड़ी Ex: Clustering all the armament in the nose was unlike most other U.S. aircraft गंधनालिका, गंधनाली Ex: After reaching orbit, Sputnik 2's nose cone was jettisoned successfully. गंधप्रत्यय Ex: Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book again . गंधवहा Ex: The nose was now five feet long, but it was free at last . गिट्ट Ex: A gourmade in the teeth, the nose घ्राणतर्पण Ex: Binocle spring that attaches to the nose घ्राणेंद्रिय Ex: Blow your nose frequently, loudly उ: घ्राणेंद्रिय - इसका अंग नासा है। घ्रानि Ex: Break the nose suddenly censer, Breaking the censer on the nose, give exaggerated praise चुपके चुपके तलाश करना Ex: Carousel Half iron circle, with head and throat latch, that is put on the nose of young horses to tame them and dress जलजिह्न Ex: Drop hanging nose टुकडी़ Ex: Each of the two openings in the nose through which man breathes and perceives odors टोँका Ex: Each of the two openings in the nose through which the animal breathes and smells ठोहना Ex: flow effusion blood, primarily through the nose तनुभस्त्रा Ex: Giving on the nose to someone's face hit the तार्तीय Ex: Giving the censer through the nose तिलपुष्प Ex: Grand wild quadruped order pachyderms, which carries one or two horns on the nose धक्का देना Ex: Having the nose into his coat धुस जाना Ex: Having the nose to the wind said of a Dog quest, scenting the wind brings the smell नक Ex: Having the nose to the wind said of a Dog quest, smelling odors that 'brings the wind नकुरा Ex: Having the rupee nose नक्ख Ex: Hay expressed particular brain Inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the nose नक्रहारक Ex: He always nose in his books नस् Ex: He came to show his nose there a while and is back ना पक्ष Ex: He did not dare show the tip of his nose नाँक Ex: He did not dare show the tip of his nose नाक घुसेड़ना Ex: He got nose नाक Ex: He hoped to make a fortune, but he gave the earth with nose उ: इससे नाक और जबड़े की अस्थियाँ सड़ जाती हैं। नाकलोक Ex: He never put his nose in a book, he has never read नासा Ex: He said the nose itself उ: लेकिन नासा ने इन सभी सुझावो को नहीं माना था। नासिक्यक Ex: I have no intention of going there to show my nose नास्ति पक्ष Ex: If nose broken, Be not succeed in his plans, point to overcome what one has undertaken नुक्कड Ex: If stung the nose An intoxicating नोक Ex: In terms of anatomy, wings of the nose, the nose The two parties that form the outside nostrils उ: बरमे में काटने के लिए नोक और धार होती है। पता लगाना Ex: In terms of the navy, he said to intransitively a building which plunges the nose in the sea and receiving blades on the front पराजित करना Ex: It also means, by extension , aspirate the nose पहचान शक्ति Ex: It also said it makes too impressed by the throat, nose पिंगचक्षु Ex: It crashed nose पीस Ex: It has a fine nose प्रत्यवमर्श Ex: It has a short nose, too short nose प्राणग्रह Ex: It is also intransitive and means, figuratively and familiarly, in allusion to the game where we kept the drug on the nose until we have won, Bored waiting for someone बराबरी करना Ex: It is even said to Have nose end बाँटचूँट Ex: It is said in the same direction Do not lift his nose from something बायड़ Ex: It is said in the same direction Having long nose बासु ‡ Ex: It is said to similar effect Cramming his nose everywhere बीनी Ex: It is said to similar effect Put your nose to the बोय ‡ Ex: It is said, by analogy, the tapir's nose Extension भाग Ex: It makes the blood from the nose उ: यह जेरुसलम का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग माना जाता है। भागहार Ex: It may also mean the nose itself भित्त Ex: It says in a similar way this man has hooked nose महक Ex: It supported him this to his nose उ: भीगी हुई घासों की महक चारों ओर भरी हुई थी। मेचटिक Ex: Kind little dog who has the short nose and long, silky and waving मोद Ex: Mal took him to show his nose here लुस्त Ex: NASAL says substantively Part of a helmet that guarantees nose वखरुह Ex: Part of the head of certain animals, including the mouth and nose विकूणिका Ex: Put glasses on his nose विघूणिका Ex: Put nose in the books, start studying व्यायुक Ex: Put the nose outside, Exit व्यावर्ग Ex: Put your nose in business, in books शमामा Ex: Root of the nose, place where the nose connects with the forehead शमीम Ex: Sheep have a hooked nose शरफल Ex: Show her nose somewhere, see Getting wherever It did not say that when there seems to shortly शोर्ष Ex: Show the nose, the tip of his nose to see if शौबा Ex: Snuff blood, blood Making by nose blowing his nose श्वसनरंध्र Ex: Talking, singing nose, Talking, singing as if the nose was clogged संविभजन Ex: The blood coming from his nose and mouth सामना करना Ex: The cartilage of the nose सिरा Ex: The negroes often flat nose उ: इसका एक सिरा पत्थर से चिपक जाता है। सुगंध से पता लगाना Ex: The nose has not dérougi him सुगंध Ex: The nose is prominent in the face Human उ: उसे सुगंध प्रिय लगती है, इसलिए भारतीय संस्कृति को वह प्रिय है। सूँडा Ex: The nose of Dog सूगंध Ex: They say roughly in the same direction If nose broken सौँध Ex: This dizzy broke his nose against a door सौँधा Ex: This man has a fine nose हरा देना Ex: This mustard up the nose हिस्सा बखरा Ex: This odor is strong, it takes nose हिस्सा Ex: This woman always nose in his book उ: राज्य का करीब हिस्सा हिमनद बर्फ में ढँका हुआ है। हीँसा ‡ Ex: to his nose and his beard हृल्लेखा Ex: To sooner had he put his nose in this case he saw the difficulty ढूँढना
Her glasses left marks on the bridge of her nose अवकर्त Ex: He bled from his mouth and nose . आगे का उभार Ex: Excuse me, I have to blow my nose . आगे चलना Ex: Bill blew his nose into his handkerchief . आछढ़ना Ex: It's as cold as a welldigger's nose today . आबखुर्द Ex: His nose juts out sharply . आस्फाल Ex: Keep your nose out of my personal affairs . उत्कर्णाता Ex: I will nose around for someone to help you . उत्सुकता Ex: Her mother's nose was always in the air, too . औत्कंठय Ex: Some blood was oozing out of his nose . औत्क्य Ex: I pasted him one right on the nose . कतोहर Ex: Excuse me, I have to powder my nose . कुड्मल Ex: Jeff stuck his nose up in the air and walked out . कुतूहल Ex: Don't stick your nose up in the air . कृंतत्र Ex: His nose swelled after it was struck by the door . कोडी Ex: He turned up his nose . कौतुहलता Ex: Harris's nose was bleeding heavily खाँडा़ Ex: The shape of the giant's nose खुंट Ex: The seats are removable, and the model has a nose cargo door. खोज करना Ex: He broke the nose landing gear when he landed खोज शक्ति Ex: His neck is a little too long, his face thin, and his nose aquiline. खौज करना Ex: Although it was originally placed on the animal's nose by Mantell गंध Ex: The nose was designed to carry two Browning . उ: इसके द्वारा गंध का ज्ञान होता है। गंधनाड़ी Ex: Clustering all the armament in the nose was unlike most other U.S. aircraft गंधनालिका, गंधनाली Ex: After reaching orbit, Sputnik 2's nose cone was jettisoned successfully. गंधप्रत्यय Ex: Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book again . गंधवहा Ex: The nose was now five feet long, but it was free at last . गिट्ट Ex: A gourmade in the teeth, the nose घ्राणतर्पण Ex: Binocle spring that attaches to the nose घ्राणेंद्रिय Ex: Blow your nose frequently, loudly उ: घ्राणेंद्रिय - इसका अंग नासा है। घ्रानि Ex: Break the nose suddenly censer, Breaking the censer on the nose, give exaggerated praise चुपके चुपके तलाश करना Ex: Carousel Half iron circle, with head and throat latch, that is put on the nose of young horses to tame them and dress जलजिह्न Ex: Drop hanging nose टुकडी़ Ex: Each of the two openings in the nose through which man breathes and perceives odors टोँका Ex: Each of the two openings in the nose through which the animal breathes and smells ठोहना Ex: flow effusion blood, primarily through the nose तनुभस्त्रा Ex: Giving on the nose to someone's face hit the तार्तीय Ex: Giving the censer through the nose तिलपुष्प Ex: Grand wild quadruped order pachyderms, which carries one or two horns on the nose धक्का देना Ex: Having the nose into his coat धुस जाना Ex: Having the nose to the wind said of a Dog quest, scenting the wind brings the smell नक Ex: Having the nose to the wind said of a Dog quest, smelling odors that 'brings the wind नकुरा Ex: Having the rupee nose नक्ख Ex: Hay expressed particular brain Inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the nose नक्रहारक Ex: He always nose in his books नस् Ex: He came to show his nose there a while and is back ना पक्ष Ex: He did not dare show the tip of his nose नाँक Ex: He did not dare show the tip of his nose नाक घुसेड़ना Ex: He got nose नाक Ex: He hoped to make a fortune, but he gave the earth with nose उ: इससे नाक और जबड़े की अस्थियाँ सड़ जाती हैं। नाकलोक Ex: He never put his nose in a book, he has never read नासा Ex: He said the nose itself उ: लेकिन नासा ने इन सभी सुझावो को नहीं माना था। नासिक्यक Ex: I have no intention of going there to show my nose नास्ति पक्ष Ex: If nose broken, Be not succeed in his plans, point to overcome what one has undertaken नुक्कड Ex: If stung the nose An intoxicating नोक Ex: In terms of anatomy, wings of the nose, the nose The two parties that form the outside nostrils उ: बरमे में काटने के लिए नोक और धार होती है। पता लगाना Ex: In terms of the navy, he said to intransitively a building which plunges the nose in the sea and receiving blades on the front पराजित करना Ex: It also means, by extension , aspirate the nose पहचान शक्ति Ex: It also said it makes too impressed by the throat, nose पिंगचक्षु Ex: It crashed nose पीस Ex: It has a fine nose प्रत्यवमर्श Ex: It has a short nose, too short nose प्राणग्रह Ex: It is also intransitive and means, figuratively and familiarly, in allusion to the game where we kept the drug on the nose until we have won, Bored waiting for someone बराबरी करना Ex: It is even said to Have nose end बाँटचूँट Ex: It is said in the same direction Do not lift his nose from something बायड़ Ex: It is said in the same direction Having long nose बासु ‡ Ex: It is said to similar effect Cramming his nose everywhere बीनी Ex: It is said to similar effect Put your nose to the बोय ‡ Ex: It is said, by analogy, the tapir's nose Extension भाग Ex: It makes the blood from the nose उ: यह जेरुसलम का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग माना जाता है। भागहार Ex: It may also mean the nose itself भित्त Ex: It says in a similar way this man has hooked nose महक Ex: It supported him this to his nose उ: भीगी हुई घासों की महक चारों ओर भरी हुई थी। मेचटिक Ex: Kind little dog who has the short nose and long, silky and waving मोद Ex: Mal took him to show his nose here लुस्त Ex: NASAL says substantively Part of a helmet that guarantees nose वखरुह Ex: Part of the head of certain animals, including the mouth and nose विकूणिका Ex: Put glasses on his nose विघूणिका Ex: Put nose in the books, start studying व्यायुक Ex: Put the nose outside, Exit व्यावर्ग Ex: Put your nose in business, in books शमामा Ex: Root of the nose, place where the nose connects with the forehead शमीम Ex: Sheep have a hooked nose शरफल Ex: Show her nose somewhere, see Getting wherever It did not say that when there seems to shortly शोर्ष Ex: Show the nose, the tip of his nose to see if शौबा Ex: Snuff blood, blood Making by nose blowing his nose श्वसनरंध्र Ex: Talking, singing nose, Talking, singing as if the nose was clogged संविभजन Ex: The blood coming from his nose and mouth सामना करना Ex: The cartilage of the nose सिरा Ex: The negroes often flat nose उ: इसका एक सिरा पत्थर से चिपक जाता है। सुगंध से पता लगाना Ex: The nose has not dérougi him सुगंध Ex: The nose is prominent in the face Human उ: उसे सुगंध प्रिय लगती है, इसलिए भारतीय संस्कृति को वह प्रिय है। सूँडा Ex: The nose of Dog सूगंध Ex: They say roughly in the same direction If nose broken सौँध Ex: This dizzy broke his nose against a door सौँधा Ex: This man has a fine nose हरा देना Ex: This mustard up the nose हिस्सा बखरा Ex: This odor is strong, it takes nose हिस्सा Ex: This woman always nose in his book उ: राज्य का करीब हिस्सा हिमनद बर्फ में ढँका हुआ है। हीँसा ‡ Ex: to his nose and his beard हृल्लेखा Ex: To sooner had he put his nose in this case he saw the difficulty ढूँढना
Other : खुशबु Ex: In doing so he broke his nose several times. खुशबू Ex: The plane took a nose dive उ: और इस रंग की खुशबू सारे वातावरण में बसी रहती है। घ्राण Ex: Bezel without branches laying on the nose by a spring उ: इनकी दृष्टि क्षीण परंतु घ्राण एवं श्रवण शक्ति तीव्र होती है। दख़ल देना Ex: Having her coat on nose नथुना Ex: He always throws me my age nose नासिका Ex: He told her insults to his nose, his nose and his beard उ: स्वर नासिका से निकली वायु को भी कहते हैं। पंचेंद्रिय Ex: In terms of Phonetics, nasal vowel, nasal sound, vowel, sound coming from both the mouth and nose सिजदा Ex: The greyhounds have no nose सुगन्ध Ex: The nose is running it, Des serosities, moods run from his nose उ: इन भाषाओं की मिठास और सुगन्ध को युवा पीढ़ी तक ले जाना जरूरी है। सूंघना Ex: The old drunks commonly have budded nose
Nose ki paribhasha : ashvini nakshatr apane varg ya jaati ka sarvottam padaarth kisi vastu ke dekhane ya kisi baat ke sunane ki prabal ichchha achchhi aur priy mahak lnbaayi ke do chhoron men se koi ek shraaddh aadi men pahale diya jaanevaala dravy ko us or ka sira jis or koi vastu baraabar patali padti gai ho kisi kaary men vilnb na sahakar usamen tatpar hona utani vastu jisani kuchh adhik vastu men se alag ki jaay mukhamndl ki maansa- poshiyon aur asthiyon ke ubhaar se bana hua lan ke roop ka vah avayav jisake donon chhed mukhavivar aur phusphus se mile rahate hain aur jisase ghraan ka anubhav aur shvaas prashvaas ka vyaapaar hota hai
ExamplesNose synonyms
snout beak muzzle snoot proboscis bill nares nostrils adenoids schnoz snuffer horn sniffer sneezer whiffer olfactory nerves smeller pry snoop scent inspect examine mouse meddle busybody Nose antonyms
ignore Usage of Nose in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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