Not bad meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Not bad
As noun : औपयिक Ex:  Do not bad find that I take the liberty, if I take the liberty of writing you
ठीक Ex:  of both genders who can pass, which can be admitted, as not bad in its genre उ:   ठीक अलकनन्दा के किनारे है। प्रणाय्य Ex:  This is very well thought, this is not bad imagined प्राप्तरूप Ex:  What just happened is not bad for you, is not already so bad मुस्तकीम Ex:  You can drink This wine is not bad मुस्तहकिम योक्तिक रैट वैध ‡ सप्रमाण समुढ़ सारुप्य सार्थवत् सुपर्याप्त सुहूँ सेँठा सौँधी हस्तदक्षिण
Not bad ki paribhasha : jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa
Not bad synonyms
sterling estimable admirable meritorious excellent honorable commendable laudable typical blameless characteristic classic classical correct good guiltless illustrative inculpable innocent model praiseworthy punctilious pure quintessential representative righteous virtuous paradigmatic prototypical batting a thousand bueno neato not too shabby decent satisfactory adequate reasonable medium average middling commonplace intermediate ordinary moderate mean all right indifferent passable respectable usual fairish pretty good up to standard permitted ok approved fine accurate convenient surely in order acceptable attractive becoming fit prepared proper suitable good enough mediocre undistinguished fair to middling run-of-the-mill sufficient livable allowable bearable endurable supportable tidy unexceptional unimpeachable goodish sufferable sustainable better than nothing fairly good unexceptionable irreproachable faultless
Not bad antonyms
dishonorable unworthy erring incorrect bad poor wrong unideal unsuitable insufficient intolerable inadequate abnormal extraordinary unusual infrequent biased unfair unjust repulsive cloudy stormy unfit extreme exceptional rare uncommon noble partial prejudiced unreasonable dark ugly inclement rainy refused unacceptable unsatisfactory unpresentable distinguished excellent superior different unbearable unrespectable
Usage of Not bad in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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