Noticeable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Noticeable
As noun : विशकलित Ex:  Other noticeable sections include the area near St.
विस्फुट Ex:  A noticeable tax सुस्पष्ट Ex:  Her conduct, her character felt a noticeable change हस्तहार्य
As adjective : आसेव्य Ex:  Comets are noticeable in the sky. उल्लेखनीय Ex:  Dark lines are noticeable seen under her eyes. उ:   "बहने वाली सड़कों" में राइन सबसे उल्लेखनीय है। काबिल गौर Ex:  The change from Pictland to Alba may not have been noticeable at first काबिलेदीद Ex:  The land crabs and sea birds are the most noticeable animals on the island. दर्सनीय Ex:  The similarities between Shaggy and Maynard are the most noticeable दीदनी Ex:  This is most noticeable in the young. देखने योग्य Ex:  These prompted a noticeable impact over a new generation of artists. ध्यान देने जाने योग्य Ex:  These color differences are especially noticeable in satellite photographs. ध्यान देने योग्य Ex:  Some fungi become noticeable when fruiting, either as mushrooms or molds. निराक्ष्य Ex:  This is especially noticeable in the seascapes विक्ष्य Ex:  Small but noticeable minorities include Tatars विलोक्य Ex:  This is most noticeable along Lake Superior's shores
Noticeable synonyms
observable salient spectacular remarkable noteworthy distinct perceptible apparent notable unmistakable eye-catching striking marked obvious appreciable palpable prominent arresting clear manifest outstanding patent plain pointed sensational signal arrestive big as life open and shut can't miss it under one's nose
Noticeable antonyms
hidden imperceptible inconspicuous unimportant usual unremarkable inconsequential insignificant ambiguous indistinct vague invisible questionable uncertain unclear indefinite forgotten overlooked unnoticeable normal ordinary common obscure doubtful dubious
Usage of Noticeable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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