Notwithstanding meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Notwithstanding
As noun : के बावजूद Ex:  His scientific fame notwithstanding
As adverb :
ऐसा होते हुए भी Ex:  Its technical plausibility notwithstanding तब भी Ex:  Provisional enforcement, one that takes place notwithstanding the judgment call तहू Ex:  Provisional Execution, Implementation of a judgment, a judgment notwithstanding any appeal तौहू Ex:  These judgments are provisionally enforceable, notwithstanding call फिर भी
Other : उलटा Ex:  Rumors notwithstanding उ:   लेकिन इस योजना का उलटा असर हुआ और पुलिस ने फरारों की खोज कर ली। के होते हुए भी Ex:  The competitiveness notwithstanding के होने पर भी Ex:  He did not want a notwithstanding clause. तथापि Ex:  It Nevertheless means more frequently, however, notwithstanding this, and in this sense it is conjunction उ:   तथापि वह उत्तरोत्तर विकसित होती गई। तिसपर भी Ex:  The judgment will be enforced notwithstanding opposition or any name बावजूद उ:   इसके बावजूद प्रयत्न बराबर चलता रहा।
Notwithstanding synonyms
nevertheless yet nonetheless against but despite withal after all at any rate for all that howbeit in any case in any event in spite of on the other hand regardless of to the contrary
Usage of Notwithstanding in sentences

The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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