Nourishing meaning in hindi
As noun : पोषक Ex:  The roots are pumping their suckers the nourishing juices in the earth उ: महुआ के हर हिस्से में विभिन्न पोषक तत्व मौजूद हैं।
पोषिता Ex:  This meat contains very nourishing principles पोषी Ex:  , hollow meat, Mets little nourishing
As verb : पुष्टिकर Ex:  A nourishing food पुष्टिकारक Ex:  Botanical Genus of plants of the Umbelliferae family, many species are cultivated because of their roots nourishing पुष्टिप्रद Ex:  Bouillon nourishing उ: पुष्टिप्रद भोजन लेते रहने पर भी मानसिक दबाव को आहत कर देता है। पुष्टिवर्धक Ex:  The nourishing juice
Other : भरण Ex:  It absolutely told What he the best, more succulent, more nourishing something उ: यहा पर एक बडा तालाब भी है जिसकी भरण क्षमता बहुत ही विस्तृत है।
ExamplesNourishing synonyms
wholesome beneficial healthy nutrient nutritious nutritive alimentative health-giving nutrimental Nourishing antonyms
bad unhealthy unwholesome Usage of Nourishing in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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