Noxious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Noxious
As adjective : अपकारक द्रव Ex:  malignant vapors, noxious vapor
अपायकर Ex:  Miasma, noxious fumes कषि Ex:  state what is noxious घस्र Ex:  Steam noxious दंशेर बहुत अप्रिय शरारु शर्वरीक सबाध हानिकर उ:   कुल मिलाकर यूरोपीय उपनिवेशवाद यहाँ के मूल लोगों के लिए हानिकर रहा। हानिकारक उ:   अम्लता और क्षारीयता दोनों पौधों के लिये हानिकारक हैं।
Noxious ki paribhasha : svaasthy men truti ya baadha pahuanchaanevaala
Noxious synonyms
putrid destructive unhealthy corrupting poisonous fetid harmful virulent toxic pernicious baneful dangerous deleterious detrimental foul hurtful noisome pestiferous pestilent sickly spoiled stinking unhealthful unwholesome venomous insalubrious pestilential insalutary
Noxious antonyms
helpful healthy harmless kind curing hygienic sterile wholesome sweet nonpoisonous good pure
Usage of Noxious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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