Nucleus meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nucleus
As noun : कृक Ex:  Atomic physics is influenced by the nucleus
केन्द्र Ex:  These complex molecules may exist within the cometary nucleus उ:   इसका केन्द्र अयोध्या है। केन्द्रक Ex:  Genomic DNA is located in the cell nucleus of eukaryotes उ:   केन्द्रक को कोशिका का 'मस्तिष्क' कहा जाता है। गर्भ Ex:  She was our nucleus and our rock. उ:   गर्भ कौतुक नहीं, एक बहुत बड़ी जिम्मेदारी है। गर्भगेह Ex:  A human cell has genetic material in the nucleus and in the mitochondria . गात्रसमित Ex:  During the microtubule based transport to the nucleus गिरी Ex:  Protons were known to be the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. उ:   यहां देवी सती की दो पहुंचियां गिरी थीं। गुठली Ex:  Different isotopes of the same nucleus contain the same number of protons गूदा Ex:  The mass number of a nucleus counts the total number of nucleons. उ:   गूदा पीला और खटमिट्ठे स्वाद का होता है। ग्रभ Ex:  The proton was soon identified as the nucleus of hydrogen. टुडी़ Ex:  The neutron was postulated by Rutherford following his discovery of the nucleus टूँडी़ Ex:  Changes in the nucleus ढोँढी Ex:  Once the nucleus was discovered Ex:  For example, all carbon atoms contain 6 protons in their nucleus तुंडी Ex:  All carbon atoms have 6 protons in the nucleus but they can have either 6 तुंदिकर Ex:  He thus suggested that the hydrogen nucleus तोँदी Ex:  Inside of a bound nucleus नाभि Ex:  When bound inside of a nucleus उ:   इसे नाभि गयाक्षेत्र, चक्रक्षेत्र आदि भी कहते हैं। नाभिक Ex:  They consequently lack a nucleus उ:   नाभिक का व्यास फर्मी में मापते हे । लवाव Ex:  Gael Fisher and others formed the nucleus of the British Poetry Revival. लुब्बलुबाब Ex:  Thus mHtt acts in the nucleus शिरामूल Ex:  Although most of a cell's DNA is contained in the cell nucleus संचयास्पद Ex:  Rutherford forced protons out of the nucleus but did not split the nucleus स‌ंचयास्पद Ex:  This did split the nucleus हृदय Ex:  The presence of a nucleus gives these organisms their name उ:   इस प्रकार यह हृदय पर काम का बोझ कम करता है।
Other : केंद्रक Ex:  When the number of protons in the nucleus equals the number of electrons उ:   कोशिका में केंद्रक तथा कशाभिका विद्यमान रहती है। बीज Ex:  Bacteria do not have a membrane-bound nucleus उ:   इसके फूल, फल, बीज लकड़ी सभी चीजें काम में आती है।
Nucleus ki paribhasha : aise phal ka bij jisamen keval ek hi bad bij hoti ho chhaati ke bhitar baain or sthit maansakosh ya thaili ke aakaar ka ek bhitari avayav jisamen spndan hota hai aur jisamen se hokar shuddh laal rakt naadiyon ke dbaara saare sharir men snchaar karata hai phoolavaale vrakshon ka garbhaand jisase vraksh akurit hokar utpann hota he pet ke andar ka bachcha kisi phal ka saar bhaag jo chhilake ke niche hota hai jaraayuj jntuon ke pet ki bichobich vah chihn ya gaddha jahaaan garbhaavastha men jaraayunaal jud rahata hai
Nucleus synonyms
embryo heart center hub foundation kernel focus germ crux matter seed principle premise pivot spark nub beginning bud
Nucleus antonyms
exterior outside periphery exteriority
Usage of Nucleus in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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