Nugatory meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nugatory
As adjective : अंतर्गडु Ex:  He passed nugatory statements.
अवश्थ उआवाई ऊटपटाँग निरथु निरर्थक उ:   बचपन से ही उसे सार्थक या निरर्थक कुछ न कुछ लिखते रहने का शौक था। बेकाज मिरथा विजल्पित सारशून्य
Nugatory synonyms
inadequate inconsequential insignificant piddling trifling useless hollow idle ineffectual invalid trivial unavailing vain
Usage of Nugatory in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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