Numberless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Numberless
As noun : अगणन
अगण्य अगन असंख्य उ:   बाढ़ में पहाड़ से टूट कर आए पत्थरों के असंख्य टुकड़े यहाँ दर्शनीय है। असंख्यक बेप्रमाण स्फिर
As adjective : अगणत Ex:  There are numberless people in the auditorium. अगणित उ:   देवानुरूप तो अगणित प्रतिमाएँ परिकल्पित हुई। अगनिया अनगन० घनेरे
Numberless synonyms
countless endless incalculable innumerable many multitudinous myriad numerous umpteen uncounted untold jillion uncountable heaps no end of no end to unnumbered zillion
Numberless antonyms
finite numbered counted limited
Usage of Numberless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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