Numerator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Numerator
As noun : अंश Ex:  The numerator will equal the denominator उ:   'राजनीति-रत्नाकर' में भी उसके अंश उद्धृत हैं।
अंशभूत Ex:  To write a fraction as a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. अधौत Ex:  In terms of Arithmetic, Reversal of a fraction, Transposition of the denominator instead of the numerator and vice versa अपित्व अपित्वी अशं आँस कालविभक्ति गणक ज्येष्ठांश पद् भागार्था भित्त भूमिभाग राशिभाग वखरुह वटन षड्भाग सर्वांग उ:   अतएव इन सब अंशों का अध्ययन ही सर्वांग वैधानिक परिचय पूर्ण कर सकता है। ह्रित
Numerator ki paribhasha : bhinn ki lakir ke oopar ki snkhya
Numerator synonyms
sum total figure count digit emblem prime symbol character sign cipher cardinal fraction representation numeral statistic ordinal googol integer folio decimal chiffer whole number common divisor common measure
Numerator antonyms
part letter one
Usage of Numerator in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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