Nurse meaning in hindi
As noun : अंकपाली Ex: The nurse administered an injection to the patient.
अचना Ex: the nurse gave him a flu shot अचवाना Ex: Florence Nightingale established the profession of a nurse as service to the mankind. अतिसर्ग Ex: the nurse looked at him pityingly आज्ञादान Ex: The motherly nurse took good care of the aged patient. उपकारण Ex: The nurse nurtured the patient. उपचार करना Ex: The nurse called in the next patient उपचारिका Ex: The doctor asked the nurse to keep a watch on the patient उपसूतिका Ex: The nurse is taking out the vials from the refrigerator कुटकारिका Ex: The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere गर्भग्राहिका Ex: The nurse injected the medicine into my arm . घोँटना Ex: The doctor told the nurse to work Mr . झोखना Ex: James Sinnett was a nurse from Chicago. डेना Ex: She was named Édith after the World War I British nurse Edith Cavell ढोँकना Ex: Hawking married his nurse Elaine Mason in 1995. . तिलकिट्ट Ex: England, where his mother, Mary, had worked as a nurse in the maternity ward. दीधना Ex: When his nurse assured a visitor that he was a little better दूध पिलाना Ex: A child who reaches out her nurse दूध पीना Ex: Brother of milk, The child of the nurse and the baby she fed the same milk देख रेख करना Ex: By affixing visiting nurse देखरेख करना Ex: contacting the nurse देना Ex: deprive a child the use of milk from her nurse to move the food to another उ: इसे पूयलाव बंद होने के २ हफ्ते बाद तक देना चाहिये जिससे फिर से न हो। धत्रियो Ex: It is the nurse who is responsible for this care धातृका Ex: Putting a child to nurse, the nurse giving a away from home धात्रियिका Ex: Remove a child nurse, Remove it from the nurse धात्री Ex: She leaves her child to nurse धाय Ex: She was the nurse of all children उ: फिर धाय गज गद्दी दली, कसना विदारय भुज वली। धायी Ex: Sister nurse नर्स Ex: Specifically, foster Father, husband of a nurse उ: वह एक नर्स भी थी और पेशे पर एक किताब भी लिखी थी। पयःपान Ex: Suckling her nurse परिचारक Ex: The health of the nurse forced to shorten the time of breastfeeding परिचारिका Ex: The milk of this nurse was engrumelé उ: केबिन सदस्य में चार विमान परिचारिका थी। परिचारिणी Ex: The months of nurse time a child is left to nurse परिनिर्वपण Ex: The nurse and her infant परीसना Ex: The nurse on duty परोसना Ex: The pins of a nurse पालन करना Ex: The rise of milk in a nurse पालन पोषण करना Ex: This child was changed to nurse, The nurse was substituted for that of the parents she had received पिद्धना Ex: This nurse has no milk, lots of milk पिलाना Ex: This nurse sleeping smothered her child उ: बच्चे को पाँच छह मास तक ही मां का दूध पिलाना चाहिए। पिवना Ex: We gave the nurse a dozen layers पीना Ex: Writers modern attacking elders are children who beat their nurse उ: दिन में दूध नहीं पीना चाहिए। पीवना Ex: , Beating his nurse Attacking persons or things to which we are indebted for his education, his fortune पोषण करना Ex: , He must have been changed to nurse प्यावनि Ex: Infirmier nurse posing suckers प्रपीति Ex: The nurse who breastfed बखसीसना ‡ Ex: This woman gives twenty-five years, but it does not count nurse of the month मन में रखना मन में लाना मम्मी रोगी की सेवा करना वह औरत जो लडके या बीमार की रखवाली या खबरदारी करे वह औरत जो लड़के या बीमार की रखवाली या खबरदारी करे विष्टब्धि वौकाना संप्रतिपादन संभालना समुत्सर्ग समुपचार साँपधरन साति साथ लगा रहना सेवा करना सेवा शुश्रूषा करना सैरंध्रिका
As verb : उपचर्या करना Ex: The doctor told the nurse to dress the woulds of the patient दूध पिलाकर बच्चे को पालना Ex: A child nurse
Other : दाई Ex: Alexander was raised by his nurse Lanike, who was Cleitus' older sister. उ: प्रसव अस्पताल में अथवा प्रशिक्षित दाई द्वारा किया जाना चाहिए। परिचर्या करना Ex: The child sucks milk from his nurse
Nurse ki paribhasha : badi boodhi stri topa, bnduk ya tamnche ki naal ka ghera ya chakkar vah stri jo kisi shishu ko doodh pilaane aur usaka laalan paalan karane ke liye niyukt ki jaay vah jo kisi rogi ki seva karane par niyukt ho striyon ke liye ek aadarasoochak shabd kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana khaane ke liye kisi ke saamane tarah tarah ke bhojan rakhana kisi taral vastu ko ghooant ghooant karake gale ke niche utaarana vah jo rogiyon, ghaayalon ya vraddhon aadi ki dekhabhaal ya paricharya kare vah stri jo kisi doosare ke baalak ko doodh pilaane aur usaka paalan poshan karane ke liye niyukt ho
ExamplesNurse synonyms
assistant attendant therapist medic registered nurse caretaker rn sitter minder baby sitter foster parent nurse practitioner practical nurse wet nurse feed nourish vaccinate cradle pamper immunize further cultivate humor support father inoculate encourage treat forward preserve cherish indulge irradiate promote baby-sit advance harbor medicate succor mother aid nurture wait on keep an eye on take care of look after keep alive keep tabs on minister to see to take charge of watch out for watch over suckle wet-nurse lactate dry-nurse bottle-feed breast-feed give suck Nurse antonyms
ignore block cease hinder impede obstruct destroy refuse condemn injure disregard starve hurt neglect halt stop discourage Usage of Nurse in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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